The trio and Malfoy Manor

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     Snatchers bring the trio to Malfoy Manor. Harry is on his knees by Bellatrix while the other two are being held by Snatchers. Ellie and Draco are in front of Harry, looking down at him.
     "Well, is it him?" Bellatrix asks.
     "Not sure dear." Ellie replies. Bellatrix walks around Ellie and puts her chin on Ellie's shoulder
     "I thought he was your friend."
     "It's been a while. My mind has been on..." She trails off and gives Bellatrix a suggestive look. "other... things.. than ex-friends." Bellatrix hits Ellie upside the head while Ellie smirks.
     "You two are disgusting." Draco says. "I can't be sure."
     "Look close, Draco." Lucius says. "If we're the ones who hand Potter over to the Dark Lord, everything will be forgiven." Ellie snorts.
     "Probably going to take more than that." Ellie says.
     "Control your girl Bellatrix!"
     "Lucius!" Narcissa exclaims.
     "Ellie shut up." Bellatrix says and Ellie glares at Bellatrix. "Ellie stop glaring at me. You're getting closer to trouble my dear." She turns back to Draco. "Don't be shy, sweetheart. Get up nice and close." Bellatrix nudges Draco forward until he's only inches from Harry. "Now, if this isn't who we think it is, Draco, and we call him, he'll kill us all. We need to be absolutely sure."
     "What's wrong with his face?" Draco asks.
     "What is wrong with his face, Scabior?
     "He came to us that way. I reckon he picked it up in the forest."
     "Or ran into a Stinging Jinx." Ellie suggests. Bellatrix turns to Hermione.
     "Was it you, dear." Bellatrix says. "Give me her wand. I want to see what her last spell was."Bellatrix laughs. "I got you." Bellatrix sees the sword in Scabior's hand. "What's that?" Bellatrix walks towards the Scabior. "Where'd you get that?"
     "Found it on them. Reckon it's mine now." Scabior looks at Ellie. "Maybe you and I can go out after this."
     "Oh no." Draco says.
     "Pardon my language, but you just fucked up."
     "What do you-" Scabior starts before Bellatrix attacks him. Lucius and Draco are a little terrified and Ellie's not even fazed.
     "Never speak to her again!" Bellatrix yells. "Don't even look at her! Go! Go!" Bellatrix walks over to Ellie and uses her finger to raise Ellie's chin. "Mine."
     "Yours." Ellie says with a smile and Bellatrix kisses Ellie.
     "Put the boys in the cellar. I want to have a little conversation with this one. Girl to girl."


     Bellatrix has Hermione pinned to the floor.
"That sword is meant to be in my vault at Gringots." Bellatrix growls. "How did you get it?"
     "Ellie help me." Hermione says.
     "'Ellie help me.'" Bellatrix teases. "She's on our side now Mudblood. She's mine. What else did you and your friends take FROM MY VAULT!"
     "I didn't take anything. Please. Ellie! I didn't take anything."
     "I don't believe it." Bellatrix leans over Hermione's arm and cuts into it. Ellie closes her eyes and sighs.
     "Go get the goblin." Narcissa says to Ellie. Ellie goes down to the cellar.
     "Ellie please let us out of here." Ron begs and Ellie points her wand at Ron.
     "Get back." Ellie says. "You, goblin. Come with me."
     "Ellie please. We're your friends." Ellie laughs.
     "Friends? Why would I be friends with 'the chosen one', a blood traitor and a mudblood Maybe we were friends in fifth year, but it's been a cover since sixth. It was too easy." Ellie winks before she leaves, still laughing.
     "Now, let's see what the goblin has to say." Bellatrix says. "Well?"
     "I left Gringotts weeks ago, but when I was last in your vault, the sword was there." Griphook says.
     "Liar!" Bellatrix yells as she slashes his cheek with her knife.
     "I have a truth potion." Ellie says. "It's weak and wont last long though."
     "Give it." Ellie walks over and hands Bellatrix the vial. Bellatrix kisses Ellie's cheek. "Thank you El." Bellatrix makes Griphook drink the potion as the boys silently come up the stairs. "Tell me the truth!"
     "I did!" Griphook replies. Bellatrix turns on Ellie, dagger to Ellie's throat. Ellie doesn't flinch, she even looks like she's enjoying it and challenging Bellatrix.
     "Did you give me a fake potion, Pet?"
     "No do you think I'm stupid? You can try one for proof, I know a question you would answer with a lie." Ellie holds out another vial and Bellatrix takes it and drinks it. Ellie backs away from Bellatrix in the meantime.
     "What is the question?"
     "Do you love me?" Bella sighs angrily.
     "I knew it. You owe me 10 Galleons Draco." Ron and Harry look at each other in shock. The potion quickly wears off.
     "I hate you." Bellatrix growls.
     "I love you too." Bella turns back to Hermione.
     "Consider yourself lucky, Goblin. The same won't be said for this one."
     "Like hell!" Ron shouts. Bellatrix spins around. "Expelliarmis!" Bellatrix's wand flies towards Harry, Ellie tries to catch it but misses and Harry catches it. Lucius draws his wand only to remember the Dark Lord took it.
     "Stupefy!" Harry casts at Lucius and Ellie laughs as Lucius flies backwards. Draco and Narcissa fight Harry and Ron.
"Elliandria help." Draco says.
"Oh right." Ellie says. Ellie draws her wand only for Bellatrix to yell.
"Stop!" Everyone freezes to see Bellatrix with her dagger to Hermione's throat. "Drop your wands!" The boys hesitate. "I said drop them." The boys drop their wands. "Get them Draco." Draco gathers up the wands and stands off to the side with Ellie. "Well, well, well. It's Harry Potter, all bright, shiney, and new again. Just in time for the Dark Lord. Call him." Bellatrix looks at Draco and then Ellie. "Call him."
"I'm not sure I can." Ellie says. Lucius pulls up his left sleeve. He hovers over his mark as there is a squeaking sound from above. Everyone looks up to see Dobby hanging from the chandelier. He unscrews it and it drops the the ground. Bellatrix yells and let's go of Hermione. Narcissa uses her body to try to protect Ellie and Draco from any possible shrapnel. Ellie runs to Bellatrix as Harry wrestles the wands away from Draco. "Bella!"
"I'm fine El." Lucius tries to attack again.
"Stupefy!" Harry casts again. Lucius gets thrown back and Ellie laughs again.
"Ellie stop laughing!" Narcissa orders.
"Yes ma'am." Ellie replies. Bellatrix lifts Ellie's chin.
"Good girl." Bellatrix turns to the group while Ellie blushes. "Stupid elf, you coulda killed me!"
"Dobby never meant to kill." Dobby says. "Dobby only meant to maim or seriously injure." Narcissa tries to attack and Dobby takes her wand. 
"How dare you take a witch's wand! How dare you defey your masters!"
"Dobby has no master. Dobby is a free elf and Dobby has come to save Harry Potter and his friends." Everyone grabs hands and they disapparate away. Bellatrix throws her dagger and it goes with them. Bellatrix smiles then looks at Ellie.
"Thanks for being helpful." Bellatrix says sarcastically.
     "Sorry." Ellie says. "Is Lucius okay?"
     "Like you care you little bitch." Lucius growls.
     "Don't call her a bitch!" Bellatrix exclaims.
     "Draco you owe me 10 Galleons." Ellie says.
     "Yeah I know." Draco replies.
     "What are you two talking about?" Narcissa asks.
     "I bet Draco I could get Bella to admit she loves me." Ellie replies. "10 Galleons if I used something, 20 if I didn't."
     "You little brat." Bellatrix growls.
     "Would you love me if I wasn't?"
     "No. Who still has a wand?"
     "I think only me. Unless the elf dropped Narcissa's." Narcissa walks over to where they were.
     "It did." Narcissa says.
     "Ellie give me yours." Bellatrix demands.
     "I have to go back to school tomorrow." Ellie replies.
     "Damn it."


     A few hours later, Bellatrix and Ellie are in Ellie's room, sitting on the floor. "Shhh" Ellie says as she holds Bellatrix. Bellatrix is shaking and crying. "You're alright." Narcissa comes in with a potion in her hand.
     "Here." Narcissa says as she hands the potion to Ellie. "This should help her."
     "Thank you Narcissa." Ellie carefully uncorks the vial and holds it up to Bellatrix's lips. "Here Bella, take this." Bellatrix drinks the potion and gags at the taste.
     "So what happened?"
     "He punished her for losing Harry."
     "Cruciatus Curse?"
     "I assume so."
     "Poor Bella."
     "I don't need your pity Narcissa." Bellatrix growls.
     "No one is pitying you Bella." Ellie says. "Just worried about you."
     "Why isn't he punishing the rest of us?" Narcissa asks.
     "Well based on how bad she was when I found her, she took it for us."
     "No one hurts you two." Bellatrix whispers.
     "You seem to forget I barely feel the Cruciatus Curse."
     "He's powerful, it would probably hurt you."
     "Don't worry about me Bella. I can take it."
     "I don't care."
     "And why are you two on the floor?" Narcissa asks.
     "This is as far as I managed to get her before she collapsed." Ellie replies.
     "Come on, let's get you two somewhere more comfortable than the floor." Narcissa helps Bellatrix stand on shaky legs. Ellie gets on Bellatrix's other side and they guide her to the bed. Bellatrix lays down and closes her eyes. Ellie lays down next to her and Narcissa sits on the other side of Bellatrix. "Can I make sure you're okay Bellatrix?"
     "Fine." Bellatrix says. Narcissa draws her wand and waves it down Bellatrix's body.
     "All good. Just need to rest."
     "Great." Bellatrix says sarcastically. "My favorite thing to do."
     "Shut up." Ellie says. "Or you'll be resting alone."
     "No I won't." Bellatrix says as she grabs Ellie's arm tightly. Ellie chuckles and lets Bellatrix pull Ellie into her arms.
     "Goodnight you two." Narcissa says.
     "Goodnight Cissy." Bellatrix replies.
     "Night Cissa." Ellie says. Narcissa kisses both of their foreheads before leaving.
"I love you." Bellatrix says.
"I love you too." Ellie replies

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