Part 8

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Lindsey turned to look, feeling Stevie grab his hand. They sat together on a bench in that same garden Stevie had stared at about a week ago. She was breathing heavily, her eyes closed. 

"Are you alright?" Lindsey asked, sounding concerned.

"I'm a little lightheaded. I think, I might actually be high from the fresh air." Stevie added jokingly, making him smile. There hadn't been too many jokes or the sound of her laughter lately. 

"It's a beautiful day." Lindsey nodded, hugging her around the shoulders so she didn't fall back and on the ground. "It's nice to be out of that damn room." He would have gladly stayed outside  until it got dark, but another look at Stevie told him that was probably not going to happen. "You don't look too good. Maybe we should head back."

"If you don't mind." Stevie said, looking at him apologetically. 

Lindsey rose to his feet first then helped Stevie get up too. He thought, she was doing better; she finally slept through most of the night if she were in his bed of course, she didn't have the severe shakes anymore and she was also eating better compared to when they had just arrived, but she was extremely weak most of the time. She had very little physical strength and it scared him, but he was told, that was completely normal. He sincerely hoped so.

"Is there anything I can do for you?" Lindsey held onto Stevie until she was safely sitting on her bed. "Are you hungry? Would you like some water, tea maybe?"

Shaking her head, Stevie exhaled heavily. "No, I just want to lie down for a while."

"I thought, you wanted to take a shower, when we got back." He reminded her, starting to gently stroke her hair once her head hit the pillow. 

"I don't have it in me. I'm so tired." She yawned, reaching for her blanket. 

"Well, I could help you. I'd gladly jump in myself, we could save some water." He smiled, hoping to cheer her up. 

Lindsey had helped Stevie bathe before. However, the difference now was that her mind was a lot clearer and her self-confidence was at an all time low. His suggestion didn't have a sexual undertone and she understood that, but him seeing her naked right now felt like the worst possible thing that she didn't want to happen.

"This is not the time to be self-conscious." Lindsey assured, pressing a kiss to her forehead. "You'd feel like a completely new person, you know that."

After a long moment of careful consideration, Stevie spoke up. "Your eyes stay above my shoulders at all times."

"Whatever you say." Lindsey nodded and took her hand to help her get out of the bed again.

Stevie pointed at the items she required and Lindsey gathered them all, keeping his arm around her waist. He also managed to pick up a chair for her to sit while he got the water temperature just right. He noticed her getting frustrated as she was unable to unbutton her top, angry tears brimming her eyes. Kissing the back of both of her hands first, he rested them by her sides so he could take over the task of undressing her. 

"This is so fucking frustrating." Stevie wiped her cheeks, embarrassed that she was unable to do something so simple, her body just did not want to cooperate. "I'm completely helpless."

"It's okay. That's why I'm here, right?" Lindsey asked without needing an answer. 

While Lindsey got rid of his clothes too, Stevie remained seated, trying her best to cover herself up. She appreciated that he didn't look just as she had asked him not to. It did make her wonder, though. No matter what the situation was, he had never obeyed that rule. He probably found her repulsive and he was doing this just out of the kindness of his heart. 

"Alright, I think, the water's fine." Lindsey said, showing Stevie to try it out. 

"It is." She nodded and stepped under the showerhead, closing her eyes, she let the water run all over her. 

"This is the shampoo, correct?" Lindsey turned the label towards her, not wanting to wash her hair with conditioner again.  

Pouring likely too much of the shampoo into his palm, Lindsey rubbed his hands together before he let them slip into her hair. There was no rush, so he took his time massaging her scalp and making sure he didn't leave a strand untouched. He noticed that her once golden locks, even if not entirely natural, were fading and he sighed, but didn't mention it. 

"So fruity." Lindsey then uncapped the shower gel. "You cannot tell a soul, I've used this." He joked and achieved a tiny smile. "Turn around."

"Why?" Stevie asked with a raised eyebrow. 

"I'm going to wash your back." He shrugged.

"You're not going to use the sponge?" She pointed at it, but he shook his head. The idea of his hands on her naked body instantly increased her heartbeat. 

"I don't think it's very good for your skin." He didn't actually know it, he remembered hearing about it, though. "And that one is very rough."

She didn't argue mainly because she didn't have any fight in her. Once her back was facing him, he placed his hands on her shoulders, trying to relieve some tension as well as lathering them up. He then moved down the length of her arms a couple of times before his hands slid down her back. He wanted to ask first, but he thought, she was finally able to relax a bit, so he didn't, allowing himself to touch her chest. Her eyes snapped open and she watched as his fingers were working in what little of the shower gel was left into her breasts. Her breathing got heavier and she parted her lips slightly. She was no longer relaxed as she was beginning to feel a little too much. She placed her hands over his, making him stop. 

"I can't let you do that." Stevie said, shaking her head. 

"What- I wasn't- I didn't mean-" Lindsey wasn't really sure what to say. "I just..."

"I know that you didn't mean for that to be- I get that you're just trying to help me, but I can't help the way my body reacts to your touch." She admitted and slowly turned around to face him. "Especially, when this doesn't mean anything to you."

"How do you know?" He asked, blocking her way in case she was considering running away from him. Not that that was likely to happen.

"Lindsey, come on." Stevie sighed, hanging her head low. "Look at me!"

"I thought, I wasn't supposed to." He gently grasped her chin and made their eyes meet. "Even though I want to."

"What?" Her eyebrows creased. "Why would you..." She began, but couldn't finish her question.

Words never worked. So, he had to show her. Cradling her face in his hands, he leaned in to kiss her. Really kiss her. Not like when she did that first night when she climbed into his bed. There was some resistance on her part, but he was persistent and eventually pried her lips open. He brushed his tongue over hers and she was sure, her knees were going to buckle and she would collapse right there on the tiled floor. He wasn't going to let that happen. His arm circled her waist, his other hand tangled in her hair to keep her close. He did get a little carried away and he pushed her up against the wall, his lower half firmly pressed against her. She was holding onto him, gripping his sides tightly until one of her hands sneaked in between them and wrapped itself around his erection. He had to break their kiss, when she began stroking him, he pressed his forehead to hers. The slow, but firm movement of her hand caused him to clench his jaw. She felt his hand on her ass before it brushed over her hip and slipped in between her legs. She yelped and thrust into his hand, making her own come to short halt.

"Please, don't stop." He pleaded, breathing heavily before he captured her lips again.

The passion that was still clearly there, had awaken something inside her, giving her an unexpected surge of energy. It didn't take too long before they both succumbed and were left panting, gasping for air, their bodies pressed together. 

"I don't think we were supposed to do that." Stevie said, all of a sudden very shy. 

"No, but I've been trying my best to keep my hands to myself for over a weeks now, so I'm glad we did." Lindsey replied, giving her another kiss.

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