Part 26

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"It's so good to see you, sweetheart." 

Stevie smiled as she hugged her father. She had visited her parents only once since rehab and she suddenly felt guilty that she didn't make an effort to see them more often. On the other hand, she hadn't planned all the changes in her life either, which had taken up a lot of her time.

"Come home for Christmas?" Stevie pulled back slightly, keeping Jess at arm's length. "I wouldn't miss it." 

"It's always nice to have you here, Lindsey." Jess moved over to shake hands with Lindsey. "You know, you're always welcome."

"I do, thank you." Lindsey smiled, catching a glimpse of Barbara, who couldn't wipe the grin off her face. "I'm going to take our things upstairs." He said, pressing a kiss to Stevie's hair, when she returned to his side for a brief moment.

"How was your trip?" Barbara asked, taking Stevie by the hand, she walked them into the kitchen, which smelled absolutely divine. 

"It was alright." Stevie replied, taking a seat, she clasped her hands and placed them in her lap. "It would have been better and much shorter if Lindsey didn't insist, we drove here."

"Oh, but it's nice." Barbara moved over to the stove to check on dinner. "You've spent plenty of time on planes. I could never do it, I just don't think it's as safe as they're saying it is."

"Of course, it is." Stevie subtly rolled her eyes, they'd had this argument too many times before. "You can never be sure of what might happen on the road either. What if someone gets distracted behind the wheel and crashes right into you?"

Barbara stayed silent for a moment, then waved it off. "Well, the important thing is, you're here, looking healthy and happier than ever." She too came to sit down at the kitchen table. "Tell me, how's everything?"

"I'm happier than ever." Stevie smiled, echoing her mother's words. "Truly. It's just... it's so easy."

"Maybe you two have finally grown up?" Barbara raised an eyebrow, teasing. "It warms my heart seeing you two together, honey. It's how it should be. You know, I'd never given up hope. And how is the whole adoption process going? I hope, there's progress."

"Yes, there is." Stevie nodded. "We've been warned that it might take a long time. From months to even years, but..." Taking a deep breath, she continued. "We're actually going to meet a little girl next month. She's almost two years old. We haven't bribed anyone, we haven't done anything, but it's happening."

"Oh..." Barbara's eyes instantly brimmed with tears. "I'm- I'm so happy for you. I'm going to pray it goes well. You deserve to be a mother, honey, with all the love you have in your heart."

"I don't want to get my hopes up too high, so Lindsey and I are trying to just... not overthink it." Stevie shrugged, even though it was nearly impossible to do. "Whatever happens, happens." 

Lindsey had just come back downstairs after changing his clothes and he overheard the conversation. It wasn't that he didn't know about it, but he still felt like it somehow was too personal to interfere. So, he stood and waited until the topic changed before making his presence known.

"Are you two hungry?" Barbara asked. "Dinner is still going to take a while, I could make something quick."

"I'm not, but thank you." Lindsey declined, standing behind Stevie, his hands on her shoulders.

"Yeah, we can wait." Stevie agreed. 

"Well, at least let me make you a cup of coffee?" Barbara was already on her way to put the kettle on.

Minutes later, Stevie and Lindsey sat down with her parents in the living room. Stevie tried to ask Jess about his health, but before she could get a full sentence out, Barbara interrupted her.

"What's that?" 

"What's what?" Stevie frowned, then quickly realized what her mother was asking about, following her line of sight.

"That, on your finger." Barbara added, then her gaze shifted over to Lindsey. "And- and on yours..." Her eyes grew wide when the realization hit. "Are you two-"

"Married." Stevie nodded. "Yes. We were going to wait until later-"

"Excuse me?" Jess frowned, not because he was angry, but he was definitely confused.

"We're really sorry that we didn't tell you. Or anyone." Lindsey spoke up as well. "It just... sort of happened."

"How does a wedding just happen?" Barbara asked, her mouth agape. "When did this happen? Why didn't you tell anyone? What-"

"Mom, please, slow down." Stevie said in a very calm tone of voice. "There wasn't even really a wedding. Our whole lives we've been doing things for the world to see. We talked about it and decided that we wanted this to be for us. It's absolutely nobody's business but ours. So, we did it quietly. No planning a big wedding, no distractions, no obstacles - no nothing."

The room was completely silent for a moment. Stevie kept looking between her parents, waiting for either of them to speak up. 

"Say something? Are you at least happy for us?" 

"Yes." Barbara nodded slowly. "I feel lightheaded."

"I am." Jess too gave a nod of his head. "I need a drink."


I get that the things I'm writing in this story are not all accurate, but it's just a story, right? And thank you for you amazing feedback ♥ I love writing this one

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