Part 34

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Lindsey didn't like leaving Stevie alone at home with Madison. She was after all seven months pregnant. She required his help with pretty much everything and he was glad to do it for her, but when the phone rang the night before and it was Mick Fleetwood on the other end of the line, she nearly pushed him out the door. You haven't left the house besides getting groceries for too long, she said, go, have fun. Still hesitant, Lindsey made sure that Stevie was as comfortable as possible and Madison had enough toys around her to be occupied for a few hours. 

It had been years since Lindsey actually saw Mick. They occasionally talked over the phone, but that was it. The last time they spoke was months ago, so the only thing Mick knew, was that Lindsey and Stevie were back together, which instantly made the wheels start turning. They agreed to meet for dinner and drinks, Lindsey didn't feel like explaining he was no longer a drinker over the phone. There was a lot he had to let Mick on anyway, so he added that to the list.

"It's been ages!" Mick beamed, when he and Lindsey were finally reunited. "Man, it's so good to see you."

"It's good to see you, too." Lindsey nodded, patting Mick on the back before they separated from their hug. "It was nice getting that call."

"I would have reached out sooner, but the last time you told me, you were at the start of a new relationship, I didn't want to intervene." Mick smirked as the two men sat down. 

"Yeah, well." Lindsey faked a cough, unsure if he was meant to just dive right into it. "It- it wasn't just the start. I'm sorry to have mislead you."

"Oh?" Mick raised an eyebrow as he sought out a waiter. "Does scotch sound alright?"

"Actually, I haven't had a drink in quite some time." Lindsey shook his head, shifting his gaze over to the waiter. "Water is fine."

Moments later, when they were left alone, Mick turned to Lindsey again. "A changed man, huh?"

"You have no idea." Lindsey laughed lightly, already imagining Mick's eyes growing as wide as if he were performing with everything he had to tell him. "Life's been great lately. Much to our own surprise, Stevie and I are leading a very quiet private life and right now I wouldn't have it any other way."

"So, things are alright then?" Mick asked, leaning in closer. "You two behaving yourselves?"

"I don't really know where to start." Lindsey shrugged with a laugh, confusing Mick slightly. "The last time you and I spoke, Stevie and I were already married."

"Married?" Mick's jaw dropped and the volume of his voice made several heads turn their way. "You're joking. You're not joking?" He questioned, when Lindsey shook his head and held up his hand. "I definitely wasn't expecting that." Mick leaned back against the chair, shocked. "Don't get me wrong, I couldn't be happier, I'm just... surprised. How did this even happen?"

"Well, nearly two years ago now..." Lindsey trailed off, when the waiter returned with their food. "Stevie was in a terrible place. So was I. One night, I got a phone call from her brother, then Jess called. She was seriously going through it." He sighed, remembering that time. "I basically forced her into rehab. She said, she was only going to go if I went with her, so that's what I did. We, uh... reconnected. Cheri and I weren't together anymore, so... After that, I stayed with Stevie for a couple of weeks. I wasn't entirely sure if us getting back together was the right thing to do, but when I felt her slipping away, I knew, I was making a massive mistake." He then smiled. "We've been inseparable ever since."

"Wow." Was all Mick could come up with for a moment. "I am deeply hurt that I wasn't invited to the wedding, but I'm extremely happy for you two."

Lindsey reached for his water to wash down a mouthful, then cleared his throat. "And we have adopted a little girl."

The cutlery fell from Mick's hands and loudly clinked against the plate. "Come again?"

"Her name is Madison, she's three now." The smile on Lindsey's face widened. "She's an absolute joy. She's brought Stevie and I so much closer together. Well, that and the baby we're expecting."

"Okay, seriously-" Mick frowned, holding his hands up. "Are you mocking me? Is this a joke?"

"No." Lindsey laughed, knowing Mick was going to react that way. "Not at all. Stevie's seven months along. It looks like we're having another girl."

"This... this is a lot to take in." Mick ran a hand over his face, still in utter disbelief. "Well, then I guess, you're not interested in a Fleetwood Mac reunion?"

For the first time in his life, Lindsey felt completely confident in his response regarding his career. "I'm sorry to say, Mick, but not at all. I'm completely happy with being a husband and a father at the moment."

A husband and a father. Two things Lindsey had doubted he would ever get to be.

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