Part 28

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"Relax." Ms. Anderson smiled, laying a hand on Stevie's shoulder. "There's absolutely nothing to be nervous about." 

"Yeah, well..." Stevie shrugged, wringing her hands as her eyes settled on Lindsey following Maddison closely while she took in her new surroundings. "I'm not really sure what to do."

"The purpose of this home visit is to see how she feels outside and in a completely different setting. Not just her, but you two as well." Ms. Anderson said as they stayed behind to talk. "I know that I might be a distraction, but treat this day as any other. Talk to Maddy, ask her if she wants to play, offer her a drink, a snack. Just... enjoy your time together." She then added. "And please, call me Samantha. We don't have to be so formal and it might help put you at ease."

"Okay." Stevie nodded, an unsure smile on her face. "Thank you." 

"I'm here to observe, not tell you what to do." Samantha said and followed Stevie into the kitchen, when she offered a cup of coffee. "You know, I'm not really supposed to be saying this, but..."

"What?" Stevie asked, her eyebrows slightly raised. 

"People trying to adopt don't usually want an older child. Everyone wants a baby most of the time." Samantha finished her thought, pulling out a file out of her bag. "And there are so many adorable little kids, who need a family. Like Madison for example. She's just precious. I have worked with so many children, but once she allows you to get closer, you can't help but fall in love with her."

"Lindsey and I hadn't really even discussed it before we decided to adopt. All we knew was we wanted to become parents." Stevie shrugged and placed the coffee in front of Samantha. "And the second I saw Madison... she stole my heart."

"If you ask me-" Samantha leaned in closer as if she was about to tell a secret. "Maddy seems very comfortable around you. The way she walked up to you the other time, she's never even got close to anyone who she had met before."

A moment later, Stevie looked past Samantha and smiled. Lindsey came in with Madison, hand in hand, wearing a wide grin on his face. "I hope, we're not interrupting anything, but Maddy would like some juice."

"Of course!" Stevie moved over to the grocery bags that Lindsey had brought back earlier, which she had yet to unload. "Why don't we go into the other room?" She handed Madison a juice box. "We've got you some toys you can play with."

The words toys piqued Madison's interest and she nodded her head. Before taking a step, she reached for Lindsey's hand. He had to do his best to control his emotions, he cleared his throat. Stevie walked back with them in tow and Samantha was close behind after she gathered her belongings.

"We may have gone a little overboard." Lindsey laughed lightly, showing to a pile of unpacked toys. "We weren't sure what two-year-old's like these days."

Samantha smiled, glancing at Maddy. "Is there anything you see that you like?"

Maddy, with the straw from the juice box in her mouth, made her way over to a mountain of stuffed animals, dolls, puzzles and even a couple of cars. Lindsey picked out those, you don't know what she likes, he told Stevie while they were shopping. Madison sat down on the floor then reached for a Barbie wearing a light blue princess dress.

"Do you need some help opening that up?" Lindsey asked, crouching down beside her.

"Yes, pwease." Maddy nodded and handed him the box.

Stevie rushed to find a pair of scissors. She came back shortly to give them to Lindsey and watched him struggling with it for a minute. Sensing he was about to curse, she took over the task.

"Give me." She held out her hands and he smiled sheepishly. "Boys just aren't very good with girly things, are they?" Maddy giggled shaking her head, patiently waiting for her new toy. "Here."

"Thank you." Madison smiled and her eyes grew wide with excitement as she put her juice box away and her full attention was now on the doll.

"You're going to be amazing parents." Samantha said, when Stevie and Lindsey took a seat closer to her.

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