Part 20

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Stevie's new album was very closed to being finished and while she was definitely excited about it, she was also happy to come home each night simply because she wasn't coming back to an empty house. Lindsey had been living with her since the day he had admitted he was done taking things slow and trying to decide if them being in a relationship together was the right thing. People around them, especially the ones, who had known them for a long time, had their own opinions about it. Some very happy, some thought that they were moving too fast. Years ago, Stevie always kept it to herself, mainly because she was afraid of Lindsey's reaction; he tended to accuse her of talking shit about him to her friends, he accused her of already having someone else. Not this time. He knew everything and he couldn't be happier she felt safe enough with him to share it. They had to be honest with each other, since they were making life changing decisions together.

"Welcome home, baby." Lindsey greeted Stevie the second she walked through the front door. She looked exhausted, but he hoped that she hadn't planned on going straight to bed. 

"Hey." Stevie replied with a tired smile. "It's been a long day."

"Oh, come 'ere." He opened his arms and she pressed herself against his chest. "I hope, you're not too tired."

"Why?" Stevie tilted her chin up, she was already dreaming about a bubble bath and going to bed. "Please, don't drag me out of the house."

"I'm not going to." Lindsey shook his head and took her by the hand. "I cooked dinner." She didn't even have to say it, the look on her face was quite enough. "Well, try it at least. I followed the recipe, I didn't experiment."

"Okay." Stevie followed him into the kitchen, feeling a little skeptical. "What's the occasion? Have I forgotten some anniversary? It's not your birthday, it's not my birthday. It's-"

"Would you just relax? Jeez." He rolled his eyes and pulled out a chair for her. "Sit."

Stevie did as was told, noticing that Lindsey had even set the table. She had no clue what was going on, though. He never usually made an effort to cook for them and she was fine with it. It just wasn't his thing. Besides, she enjoyed taking care of him as much as she could. 

"You've roasted a freaking chicken?" Stevie asked, her eyes grew wide. "I thought, we were having something you can heat up in the microwave."

"I'm not that hopeless, okay?" Lindsey laughed, bringing two plates over to the table, he sat down opposite from her.

"Thank you." Stevie smiled, reaching to give his hand a gentle squeeze. "This is nice."

They dug in and Lindsey waited for a reaction. Stevie hadn't run to the bathroom yet and she was still eating, so he took it as a good sign. She actually complimented him on his effort too. While having dinner together was nice, Stevie still had questions and she wasn't sure if she could wait much longer.

"So, are you going to tell me what's the occasion now?" She asked the same question again.

"Well." Lindsey put his cutlery down and used a napkin before he spoke up again. "While you were gone today, we got a call." He tried to fight back a smile, but it was becoming impossible to do so. "From the doctor." He added to clarify.

"A-and?" Stevie gulped, staring at him.

"Seems like there's still a chance for us to have a baby of our own." His smile grew wider. "We can start trying right now if you like."

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