Part 21

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"It's negative." 

Lindsey heard and turned to look, he saw Stevie headed straight for the door. He jumped to his feet before she could leave. They knew that it wasn't going to be easy, but she was taking the bad news harder each time. They had talked and agreed to stay positive, not to get discouraged, but things were not going to plan and it was beginning to take its toll on her.

"Hey, don't just walk out." Lindsey managed to get in between Stevie and the door just in time. "Do you want to talk about it?"

"No, I don't want to talk about it." Stevie folded her arms over her chest, expecting him to move away and let her go. "I don't want to nor do I have the time to talk about it. I have to meet with my band for rehearsals."

"Nobody promised us anything." He sighed, laying his hands on her shoulders. "Nobody said, it would happen just like that." He emphasized with a snap of his fingers. "It's okay. We just gotta-"

"It's not okay, Lindsey!" She yelled out, shaking her head. "It's just not meant to happen. I have to accept that and move on."

"It's only been three months." He reminded, loosening her arms, he stepped up closer to her. "We're not the only couple, who has to really try. I know that it's upsetting, but we've got time."

"Do we?" Stevie cocked her head to one side, her body language told him she was not to be touched. "It's been three months." She repeated. "And a month later, I'm going on tour, which will keep me away from home and you for another two. We don't have time."

"I thought, we had promised ourselves to stay positive. We can't do much else, but be patient. You can't force these things to happen, Stevie." Lindsey was doing his best not to let his inner frustration show. If he did, it would only make things worse. "What can I do? Do you want me to go on tour with you? Because I will."

"I don't want that." She shook her head. "I wish, we hadn't started this. I've only gotten your hopes up. Clearly, I'm not meant to give you children."

"Please, don't say that." He brought his hand up to caress her face. "You're not to blame. You keep forgetting that we're both involved in this. Maybe it's really me, who can't get you pregnant."

"Well, isn't this why we got checked out?" She asked with a raised eyebrow. "You're just trying to make me feel better, but it's not working. All I feel right now is immense pressure. It's never the man's fault. It's up to women to bear children. If it's not happening, it's because-"

"Would you stop?" He silenced her, running a hand over his face with a sigh. "We said, we'd give it a year. It's been-"

"Three months, yeah, I know." 

"Exactly." He nodded, wrapping his arm around her to pull her in closer. "I hate seeing you like this. And I know what you're thinking." He pulled back a little and grasped her chin gently to tilt her head up. "I'm not going to leave you if this doesn't work out, you got that? I'm with you because of you, not because of what you can or can't give me. We'll give it a year." He repeated. "If we're not expecting a baby by that time, then we're going to look into adoption, just like we said, we would."

Breathing out heavily, Stevie broke them apart. "I think, we should have started with that instead."

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