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What's Real •

{Luna's Struggle}

Scrunching leaves distracted Killua from the heavy presence of a certain weirdo.

His presence was so heavy and unexplainably dangerous. All that Killua wants is to run away, but a hidden force is chaining him to this guy.

"We're going to your home, right? Is it close to the school?" Gon demonstrated with his idle chats. Although Killua never replied, and Gon probably knew he wouldn't, he kept on asking those annoying and creepy questions.

Aren't they going there right now? Why ask?

Killua couldn't even look him in the face. What he can recall of his shape is those frightening yellow eyes whenever his neck hurts. "How long are we going to keep walking?" Gon asked.

Should Killua go to the treehouse and see if his friends are still there? Ray will save him. He's capable of fighting a bear by himself like he once did on a school camping trip!

This guy can do nothing against his boyfriend!

But what if he was stronger? He might drag Ray and his buddies down with him. 

He clutched his shirt and tried to gulp, but his mouth was dry. "Luna, are you alright?" A hand touched his shoulder as soothing words danced into his ear. Killua shrieked and slapped Gon's hand away.

He took a few stumbling steps away from him and he finally was able to stare at Gon's disheveled look and honey brown eyes that gleamed in the sun.

Ah, right.

He forgot he has hazel eyes because of the traumatizing yellow stare he's got from him before. That controlling and hypnotizing stare either froze or set his body on fire.

"Don't touch me." He mumbled. His heart almost got out of his chest because of its hard pounds. His chest is even aching now. 

Gon frowned, maybe glared, too? But said nothing. He head-gestured for Killua to continue walking, and so did he.

It's a little warmer now with the fog cleared and the sun setting in the sky. It's bright enough to prickle Killua's skin. 

Fortunately, the bumpy road ended right when the asphalt spread to the open. They're in Mt. Risal village now.

This weird village with only a school, a hospital, one restaurant called Poppies, one cafe called Mc Jerries, and a lot of citizens of different races and stories — with a lot of weirdos and wild animals; that's Mt. Risal in the huge City of Zaban.

"Damn, I hate this place. Not feeling good." Gon whimpered, but he walked closely beside Killua. 

Killua's heart raced when Gon suddenly grabbed his elbow. "What—"

"Shh—" Gon paused, "Don't ever think about running away. I can feel it coming from you. I told you what I can do, so don't think it's a joke. I would break your legs."

For real? 

Slowly, Killua looked at him from the corners of his eyes. He barely made eye contact. Maybe because of fear? "I'm not intending to do that. W-we're almost there."

"Great." Although Killua tried to reassure him, his grip was still tight and uncomfortable.

He remained on holding his elbow until a set of houses aligned their vision. Gon grimaced but continued walking behind Killua like a silhouette. 

The earthen road stained their boots, enhanced their panting, and reddened their cheeks. Killua thought Gon was exhausted like him, but when he looked at him, he seemed fine?

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