• CHAPTER 21 •

739 33 76

• The Attack •

• Luna's Struggle •

3330 words.

He stared at the trees. Two presences stood by his sides. He hasn't been coping after what happened to Killua the previous day. 

If Killua is mentally ill, he wouldn't forgive himself. But he knows it is more than that.

"Alpha, I'm sure things will get better," Alpin said and got closer to pat Gon on the back. "Once Luna wakes up, you should take him to our healer."

"I will, but there is something else in my mind." Gon mumbled. He turned to look at his window, wondering if Killua woke up or not. "There is something weird about what happened yesterday."

"How so?" Ray asked and followed his gaze towards his Alpha's house. Then, he looked at his Alpha again while frowning.

"I can feel him." Gon said and turned to look at the vast lawn around the house. He wandered and the other two followed two steps behind him. "That also included when he felt pain."

"Maybe from his fear of the nightmare?" Ray asked, but he was hesitant.

"How would he feel pain from fearing a nightmare?" Gon halted and turned to look at Ray questionably, "When I sense his fear from nightmares, it would be small buzzes scratching my heart. It was different yesterday. His fear was genuine and great, so my heart suddenly pounded in quite the force."

"Do you mean—?" Alpin hesitated.

"What if it wasn't a nightmare?" Gon, then, questioned. He wasn't talking to them. He was thinking.

"Why would that attacker go into so much trouble to hide attacking Luna? Then, why would he attack him in the first place if he doesn't want to leave a trace of an attack?"

"That…" Gon scratched his hair, "We have to go to the treehouse again." 

"Alpha…" Alpin sighed, "It might be hard to believe what Luna is going through, but it is obvious now that he's mentally suffering."

"I still want to make sure it is just that, Alpin. I don't do things blindly." Gon turned and looked at him. His eyes bore into him and he felt anger seething inside of him. "I have a bad hunch about this. A very bad hunch. I never ignore my instincts." Gon rubbed his forehead and turned towards the treehouse's way, "We're going to the treehouse. We might find something."

"Do you think that someone is trying to frighten Luna?" Ray asked when their boots crunched the grass towards the territory borders, "I mean if there is a real foe in this—"

"Then, he's dangerous." Gon continued, voice hard like a knife. "How would he know about the treehouse? It is not built in my territory, yes, but how would he know it concerns my Luna?"

"It is in an unowned land, Alpha. Anyone could go there." Alpin said, "After all, humans gather around that area too often."

"Yes, but I convinced my buddies to build it closer to our territory. Of course, they didn't know, but I made sure we built it on the way to the Freecss' Territory." Ray explained, "Not anyone would dare walk casually around there. If we went on a stroll and saw him, we'd be suspicious."

"It's still an unowned land, Ray." Gon said, "We have no right to question a wolf wandering outside our territory. And it's not like he's sticking to our borders either. There is still a good distance in between."

Gon snapped a twig with his boots, but he didn't even flinch. He only focused on going to the treehouse. His hunch is kicking hard. For a second, he wished that he was wrong and Killua is going insane for real. That way, they would fix it slowly and calmly.

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