• CHAPTER 33 •

844 33 105

The Last Vision

Luna's Struggle

4174 words.

His eyes were foggy for a moment, but nothing could stop him from looking at that rope. The coldness of the night in the barren woods gnawed on his skin. His teeth clattered and his eyes stung because he refused to blink. The air slapped into them, almost drying them.

Nonetheless, nothing could keep the terrific scene away from his sight. Like a cult, they gathered around the looking-as-if-he-was-crucified man, who he always met in his dreams.

Like a snake, they wrapped the thick and brown rope around the man's neck. It squeezed his fragile neck, so Killua couldn't hold back a scream. All those people surrounding the poor man are crazy. "STOP IT!"

And everyone flinched. "What was that?"

"Did you hear it too?"

"Maybe the wind?"

Killua trembled when he watched the man staring right through him with a big grin. Again, Killua got the feeling that he was looking but not looking at him. "You'll never beat a pure-blooded wolf. Even when your hands grasp his throat, the son of Zoldyck will reform all of you. The Zoldyck Alpha will tame you again for touching his son, you rabid hounds!"

Killua's heart shook from despair under the sounds of annoyed snorts and squeaks. Why is he running his mouth in a situation like this?! Why is he bringing him and his dad into this? How would he even know who they are?

The rope around the tied man tightened dangerously, choking him. Killua came closer. He has to save him! The man's eyes bulged, but he kept staring into the corner where Killua's voice came out as if afraid to lose its source until the end.

"The longer we wait, the better revenge will taste." One of them said in a husky tone. He's buff and big, eyes glowing an icy white like a ghost... "After all, revenge is a dish best served cold, my dear Kite."

Despite the darkness, Killua could clearly see the man's expression this time, right under the moon. A part of him feels that this will be the last time he sees him...

And a part of him knows that he couldn't save him, nor should he materialize before them. Maybe his instincts told him to keep his distance and just watch.

The man kept looking at where Killua was standing, his eyes gleaming with emotions and something else. "All for the Zoldyck Pack." He said his last words as he lost the last of his breath. Killua's eyes widened when an abrupt bundle of emotions ruptured his heart. He witnessed Kite's life escape through his eyes before his own vision fogged again.

"HHHHH! HHH!" He clutched his heart and abruptly sat up. This is so painful... so painful! His body feels raw as if he was sloughing off his own skin.

"Hhhhhhhh!" He wheezed and coughed as if he was the one who was being choked in his dream. "Ughhh!"

The pain soared around his heart, threateningly telling him about how close the grim reaper is to him. Tears busted out of his eyes and both hands clutched the fabric over his heart.

Is he dying?

Somewhere else, eyes of gold suddenly pierced through the dark. Gon woke up with a jolt of pain that awakened his wolf furiously. He rubbed his heart, eyes widening fearfully. "Killua..."

His eyes glowed without his consent. His heart ached, awakening him from his deep slumber. He left Killua just a few hours ago after he tucked him in safely. He made sure he was doing okay before going home.

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