• CHAPTER 42 •

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A Change of Heart

Luna's Struggle

4569 words.

Alpin groaned as a sudden weight tightened around him. He attempted to push Ray's leg away, but the other wolf remained unyielding.

"Hey, leggo..." He groaned again and lifted his messy white bangs off his face, "What time is it?" Alpin asked and Ray only groaned sleepily in response. His arm wrapped Alpin's upper body to chain him to the bed even further.

Living in dens has its drawbacks, particularly because they are situated underground. Wolves face the challenge of not being able to discern whether it's day or night, and occasionally, the temperature can drop significantly. The subterranean setting, while offering a sense of security, presents these difficulties, making it essential for wolves to adapt to their environment.

They rely on their instincts most of the time. If their bodies were relaxed enough after sleeping, that means it's already morning. And that's Alpin's cue.

Being the beta of the pack comes with the unfortunate responsibility of getting up and running before everyone else. In human terms, he plays the crucial role of the pack's secretary/assistant. This position brings its own set of challenges, making it one of the less enviable roles in the pack hierarchy.

After emitting a final groan, Alpin pushed himself upright and casually tossed Ray's dangling limbs aside. In response, Ray instinctively grasped Alpin's wrist, using the momentum to pull him back.

The white-haired glared after a loud squeak and a bump on his chest. "Seriously, I have to go before Alpha wakes up!"

"Mhhh. It's still early, dummy. You wake up too early..." Ray said and rubbed his eyes with his fingers. "Alpha started to enjoy oversleeping after he's got his Luna anyway."

Alpin continued staring at him silently before he dared to ask, "Doesn't it bother you?"

"What is it that's bothering me?" Ray frowned at the guy lying on his chest.

"I mean, if I'm a replacement—" Ray groaned and suddenly laughed while covering his face.

"God, shut up. I could NEVER do that. In fact, one of the reasons I hesitated to enter into this relationship is that you bear a striking resemblance to him. It is the whole way round, so don't get me wrong." He smiled at Alpin, adding, "I genuinely, truly like you, Alpin. Don't underestimate the depth of my feelings for you."

Alpin smiled wistfully and sighed, sitting up to allow Ray to do the same and find support against the bed's backrest. Ray studied his partner's expression, asking, "You doubting me?"

"No, no. Sorry." Alpin waved his hands dismissively and awkwardly smiled, "I'm just thinking about something else."

"I know what you mean," Ray relaxed, casting his gaze upon the eclectic assortment of knick-knacks neatly arranged on the shelves, "After my mate's passing, I made the choice to explore relationships with humans—a decision that ultimately helped me cope with the loss. Little did I know that the person I ended up dating and falling in love with would turn out to be none other than the Luna of my Alpha. Karma is a bitch." Ray shifted his gaze back to Alpin, who met his stare with equal intensity.

"I wonder what Luna would've done if he knew the truth..."

Ray laughed and rested his head back, "He would kill himself rather than submit to our law and hierarchy. If he loves someone, he loves them, so it was best for him to think of me as a fuckboy, a cheater, or whatever." Alpin rested his head on his shoulder, and they lingered in a peaceful silence. After a while, Ray spoke, breaking the tranquility once more, "But I moved on, I swear. Imagine I still have feelings for my alpha's Luna. Alpha would have my head if he even suspected something like that. I only have eyes for you now."

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