• CHAPTER 25 •

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What He Didn't Know

Luna's Struggle

4671 words.

Killua looked down at the man. A few steps separated Killua from him. Killua stood on the barren land and stared solidified at the tied man before him. He moaned, head slumped to the ground and arms stuck tightly on the branch.

They must be numb by now, he thought. The man continued moaning under the clear moon and shivering.

Killua wanted to step closer, but he was scared. "For… the son… of Zoldyck." Killua's heart skipped a beat. He wants to rescue him, to be by his side. He wants to help him…

And he's back staring at the white ceiling of his bedroom. He exhaled and continued staring at it and listening to his heartbeats. That man, whoever he is, gives Killua's heart a lot of tiny squeezes. 

He groaned when reality slapped him. So, he has school today, huh? Would he be alright?

He hasn't met any wolves outside of Gon's pack, so would it really be alright? He shouldn't show any weakness, not anymore!

He tossed the blankets aside and walked to the bathroom. His routine takes up half of his morning time, the other half is choosing his clothes. His sister once told him to just be a fashionista and drop off school.

Not because he's that good at fashion, only because he spends so much time putting two and two over his body.

He smoothed his big aqua sweatshirt and wore his grey skinny pants before slipping his backpack over his shoulder and trotting down the stairs. Will Gon be awaiting him outside like before?

He walked into the kitchen casually, expecting the whole space to be his this morning, to be jerked by the sight of his mom. "M-Morning?" He raised an eyebrow at her messy bun and drowsy eyes when she tucked a neatly nyloned Tupperware into a paper bag and turned to him.

"Morning, hun. Ready for school?" Killua slid behind the tiny kitchen island and into a stool where an abandoned plate of fresh eggs and bacon was resting. "That," she pointed at the plate, "is your breakfast and this," She lightly swung the paper bag in her hand as she continued, "— is your lunch box." 

"Uh, Mom, why?" He didn't have to explain his question. His mom's a night owl, which means she always, always, oversleeps. Killua had never witnessed her waking up early ever since he began middle school.

"I just wanted to kick your day in a positive vibe, I think. Also, I haven't seen much of you even when you moved back in with us." She awkwardly smiled, her narrow black eyes crinkling at the corners, "I hope I didn't break any of your daily routines—"

"No, it's fine! Uh, I was just surprised." Killua shrugged and fought the blooming smile on his cheeks. His shy mom is trying hard to be active in his life now. It makes him happy — And shy, too.

She walked closer and sat on a stool next to him, "By the way, your dad wants you in the basement before you go to school."

"Okay." Killua looked at her tired face and sighed, "What for?"

"Not sure. Go see for yourself." Killua dug into his plate and when he finished, his mom took the empty plate and dismissed him, "Don't keep your dad waiting. I'll wash that." Killua thanked her and slipped the neatly covered lunch box into his bag before leaving the house and walking to the backyard.

It's been a while since he walked down those gritty staircases. Once he descended, he faced the white planked door to his right. He tried to sneak a look from its small and square windows, but he couldn't see anything from the dirt and sawdust.

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