• CHAPTER 10 •

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Luna's Struggle

The stairs creaked when Killua descended to the first floor. He rushed to the kitchen and snatched a toast to instantly put it in his mouth. Steadily, He fixed his backpack and looked at the clock.

There is still enough time to wander to school. No rush. He ate the toast, drank the juice, and went to wear his shoes. Again, he fixed his backpack over his shoulder and yelled, "Mom! I'm going to school!" He waited for an answer, but he received nothing.

He opened the door and shut it behind him. The chilly breeze hit Killua's face and numbed his cheeks. It's getting colder with each following day. Once he turned down to the garden to climb down the patio stairs, he was surprised to see Gon sitting on the grass. His legs are crossed and his posture is straight. From Killua's point of view, he was faced with his long muscular arm. Gon was gazing at something, and Killua gazed at the long scar on his bicep.

It was only a second of air swaying Gon's hair before he turned with a smile. He looked at Killua with eyes as wide as the sky, and a million-watt grin, as if he just witnessed the greatest thing in his life. Killua would never understand how Gon feels for him.

So, he frowned and walked toward the man, climbing down the stairs hastily with an excited heart. He didn't know why he was so excited to get closer to him. 

He stopped a few feet away from where Gon was standing and glared at him. "What are you doing here?" Yes, what is he doing here at this hour of the morning? Didn't he know that Killua is going to school? Is he here to ruin his mood? Though, he's slightly tempted with a strangely excited heart.

"Morning to you, too." Gon replied. He looked unamused by the way Killua greeted him. He sulked and rubbed his nape, while his honey eyes inspected Killua from the top of his head down to his toes. What is he looking at? Killua thought, and he was a little nervous. "I'm here to drop you off at your school." 

"I can go there by myself. I'm not a kid." Killua bickered and tightened his grasp over his backpack. He has to stay calm, especially when he knows that Gon can just trap him at home for God knows how much. Maybe until he gets what he wants.

"It's not a matter of you being a kid or not. You'll be in danger as far as I'm concerned. I must protect you, Stubborn Luna." Gon said, his pout still evident over his face and lips. "I agreed to help you go to school, only to school, but I didn't say you can go alone either. It is enough that I'll let you stay alone there."

"No one would dare do a thing there," Killua argued.

"You don't know the nature of a werewolf yet, Luna." Gon warned, and his eyes crescent. "They can be very aggressive if needed."

Killua shrugged and broke their eye contact. He walked to the gate, feeling Gon's presence behind him.

His presence puts him out for some reason. Gon is intimidating, that's for sure. "When will you leave the school anyway?"

"As in clocking out?"


"In the afternoon. Just don't show up at the gates looking like that. They'd think of you like a stalker or a creep, or even worse, a pedo." 

Gon didn't reply, so Killua took that as if he's approved.

"In the afternoon, when?" Killua shrugged.

"Depends if I wanna do after activities or not." Yep, Killua is evil. And he felt evil again when Gon stopped asking.

Maybe Gon would be late and Killua would go home alone peacefully?

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