Chapter 17: He's Dead

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Song: Stitches - Shawn Mendes

Tianas P.O.V.

It was last week I dyed my hair red. I just love the color so why not. Me and the boys had a meeting with my manager, Scooter. He called us in. I assumed he wanted to talk about my whole pregnant situation. Thank god the media has no idea. I walked in with Callie and the guys following behind. We all took a seat waiting for Scooter.
He finally walked in 15 minutes later.

"Good Morning, I'm sorry I'm late there was bad traffic," he says taking a seat. "Now, Tiana. Let's talk about your..situation," he says sternly. I felt like no good was going to come out of this meeting. "How are you going to do your tour while you're pregnant?" he says looking me straight in the eye. I felt Calum grab my hand under the table. I didn't answer his question because I didn't know how. "Exactly," he says scoffing. "Do have any idea how badly this will hurt your career and theirs if this gets out?" he says obviously directing that last part at the guys. "You're an 18 year old rising pop artist, you need to get rid of this baby," he says looking serious. I instantly felt tears forming and Calum's grip on my hand became tighter.

"But I don't want to," I say letting a few tears fall from my eyes.

"It's the kid or your career and theirs," he says leaning back and crossing his arms. "This is a world tour it will make it even worse if you cancel," he says looking at me and Calum sharply. I walk out of the room and run out the building. They chase me but I lost them.

So here I was lost in the streets of Chicago. I had no idea where I was going. Scooter's words replaying in my head. I had no idea what to do. It was killing me and I was crying uncontrollably. It started to rain. I went into the nearest place for shelter. Turns out it was a bar.

"OH MY GOD YOU'RE TIANA SMITH! CAN I HAVE A PICTURE?" a guy says to me. He looked my age. I was upset and in no mood for this but I couldn't disappoint my fans so I took the picture. I was sitting at the bar. Covering my face until I heard my song 'Break Free' playing. It made things worse for me and I wanted the pain to go away. I wasn't thinking at all. I ordered a martini. I ended up drinking 2 and a beer. It didn't take long. I was drunk.


I woke up with a killer headache. I woke up in someone's house. I looked around and realised I was in Luke's guest room. Then all the memories from last night came rushing back. I panicked. I was pregnant and I drank. I started crying. Callie and Luke came in. They said nothing and sat next to me comforting me.

"I've already made an appointment for the baby don't worry," says Callie looking worried.


Calum drove and went upstairs with me.

"The others said they are gonna come and wait in the parking lot," he says kissing my forehead.

"You should wait with them," I say looking at the ground.

"No way I'm the father and your boyfriend, I'm not going anywhere," he says and pulls me in for a kiss.

"Tiana Smith?" the nurse calls.

"Please wait with them," I say.

"Okay, if that's want you want," he says with a sense of hurt in his eyes.

Calum's P.O.V

We were all waiting for her to come down. She finally did with her eyes red and her cheeks puffy from all the tears. I ran up to her and hugged her. I pulled back as the rest of them walked around us.

"What happened?" Michael asks with a sense of worry in his voice.

"The doctor said there was no breathing, no movement, he was just..g-gone," she says. With every word she said a tear fell. She began sobbing. With every word the tears formed in my eyes. I felt like my heart dropped and my throat closed up and I couldn't talk.

Tianas P.O.V

Everyone else started tearing up. Callie walked up to me and hugged me crying. I saw Calum stand there crying his heart out. Ashton, Luke, Michael tearing up and patting his back. Once the doctor told me, my heart broke instantly. He just can't be gone. He's dead. I felt like I'm the worst person on the face of the earth. I fell to the ground crying feeling like I couldn't breathe and I wanted to kill myself. I killed my own son before he was born. I felt something I never felt before. Calum and I were nonstop crying together for the whole day. I hate myself and I will never forgive myself for this. For drinking while I was pregnant.

Sorry if we listed some wrong things about the whole pregnancy thing, we don't know much about it sorry -Jade and Cathy

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