|~Return of the Overlord~| Ch. 27

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(A beam of light from the Celstial Clock has just struck the Stone Army camp.)

Overlord: Behold, my final gift to you, Garmatron!

Garmadon: It's...it's beautiful.

Kozu: We've retrieved your helmet, and a prisoner, my Dark Lord.

Destiny: (Grunting) Let me go you peice of stone! 

Garmadon: (Gasps) Ah my Darkness friend! 

Destiny: We are not friends.

Garmadon: (ignores) Hmmm, I've been waiting to try this out on you. Hand me the Dark Matter. I believe we've found our first test subject.

Destiny: What!? No way! (Kozu pushes her head in the Dark Matter, but she resists)

Garmadon: Ugh! Why isn't it working!

Overlord: She is the elemental of Darkness, an extension of Destruction.

Garmadon: Yes, yes. Stop stating the obvious and get on with it!

Overlord: The girl can resist the Dark Matter. If you lower her guard down, you can have just enough time to complete the transformation.

Garmadon: I like it. (to Kozu) Let her go.

Destiny: (pants) What was that for! 

Garmadon: Destiny, Destiny, Destiny. You think you've got it all figured out, don't you?

Destiny: Wha- what?

Garmadon: You think they've accepted you? They talk behind your back, and are doing so this very mom-

Destiny: Stop it Garmadon- just stop! You're lies aren't going to work!

Garmadon: Ah, but their not lies. I'm simply telling you the truth. They're scared of you Destiny, because of your potential. My brother Wu wants to lock that away forever, but you can embrace it!

Destiny: What do you think's gonna happen? I'm going to join you?

Garmadon: Even I'm not that pathetic. They don't need you, or how should I say, want you with them. They all think you're dangerous. So does your "best friend" the fire one.

Destiny: Wha- no! No he doesn't!

Garmadon: What were those words again? "You're destined to be evil, and will grow up to be that name." Sounds pretty harsh, don't you think?

Destiny: (falls on her knees) I... 

Garmadon: He's right you know. (signals Kozu to bring the Dark Matter) I wish things could have been different, I really do, but this is what has to be done.

Destiny: What- no! No!

Garmadon: You'll thank me once this is all over.

(Meanwhile, the ninja find Dr. Julien on the Endless Sea's shore.)

Julien: What was that sound? The horns?

Wu: The Celestial Clock has reached zero. Garmadon's ultimate weapon is now operational and the Final Battle between good and evil has all but begun.

Misako: Now Lloyd must face his father.

Julien: But where's Destiny?

Wu: She's been taken by the Overlord, but we'll get her back. At the moment, there are bigger things at stake, including all of Ninjago itself.

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