|~The Surge~| Ch. 29

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Kai: The Ultimate Battle. The battle that would end all battles. It feels like ages ago. After the Golden Ninja defeated the Overlord, much of Ninjago City was in ruin. 

Destiny: At that time we had to reflect on our past, and build for our future. To get ourselves ready for whatever destiny had planned next. (A photo of the ninja and their allies is shown in the Ninjago City paper, reconstructing the city)

Cyrus: Great work, people. Together, we can do it. Transportation group, align with engineering. We can do this as a team.

Kai: Ninjago City soon became known as New Ninjago City. And it became the center of great technological advancements. 

Destiny: Yeah. But without an enemy to fight, the age of the ninja had come to an end. 

(A video is shown to a bathroom where Jay's seen holding a camera in a mirror reflection while Kai is heard singing. Kai's taking a shower and noticed Jay.

Kai: Whoa! This isn't supposed to be in here. Lights please! (Students begin giggling as he can't turn off the projector.) Ugh! Seriously?

Destiny: Uh oh. Why do you have that on here?

Kai: Ah, I don't know how it got here in the first place! I didn't even know Jay recorded it! How do you turn this thing off?

Brad: Ha ha! Mr. Kai can't turn it off! 

Finn: Loser!

Destiny: Uh... oh, here it is! (grabs the remote and turns the projector off) 

Kai: Phew. Thanks.

Destiny: No problem. (throws the remote to him) We should have a talk with Jay after this.

Kai: (barely catches remote) Whoa. Uh, yeah. Sure.

Nya: (walks into the classroom) Hey guys. I need some help and none of the boys are listening to me. Can I borrow Kai for a second?

Destiny: He's all yours.

Kai: Be back in a sec. You can handle them, I'm sure. (leaves the room with Nya)

Destiny: Alright kids! Write an essay about... what was the lesson again?

Sally: New Ninjago City?

Destiny: Yeah, that! Now, get to it!

Brad: (whispering to students) Mr. Kai and Ms. Destiny, sitting in a tree! 

Gene: Haha!

Destiny: Hey! What are you two talkin' about? If anyone's gonna be sitting in a tree, it's gonna be me. And if anyone's gonna be in detention, it's gonna be you two.

Students: OHHH! ROAST!

Finn: She got you there!

Destiny: Start writing! C'mon!

Brad: Ugh. Whatever.

Destiny: And heads up, the detention teacher is Cole. I think you and Gene will have a fun time with him, don't you think?

Brad: Mr. Cole is the worst.

(Kai comes back in the room)

Kai: What I miss?

Destiny: Eh. Just Brad and Gene singing something about us two. And a tree

Kai: Wait, what? Please don't let it be what I think it is.

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