|~Codename: Arcturus~| Ch. 34

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(In the Endless Sea, Pythor and the Nindroids swim towards the Nindroid MechDragon)

Pythor: Nindroids! Get down there and secure the Overlord's new, incomplete vessel.

General Cryptor: You mean the Nindroid MechDragon?

Pythor: Yes, yes, whatever. Attach the balloons and whatever else you must do to get him to the surface.

General Cryptor: Once our leader has been secured, what must be done next? Where shall we go?

Pythor: After this, we set sail to The Lost City of Ouroboros.

(The ninja are in the Temple of Light)

Lloyd: I can't do this alone anymore. As long as I have all this power, they'll never stop coming for me.

Zane: From here on out, we can't let anything separate us again.

Jay: He's right.

Cole: Absolutely.

Destiny: (standing off on the side) It's the right choice. I know it.

Kai: Well then... let's do this! 

(Lloyd strikes the bell, giving the ninja, {minus Destiny who already had her powers from the beginning} their powers back)

Zane: The Elemental Power, it's inside us. I can feel it.

Kai: Fire! (blasts fire)

Jay: Haha, anyone shocked to see me do this, huh? (creates lightning)

Cole: (creates a mound of dirt) No dirt off my shoulder.

Zane: (creates a bridge of ice) Chill out.

Destiny: What did we say about the puns? Seriously.

(The ninja continue to goof around with their powers as Garmadon and Wu watch)

Garmadon: Foolishness. This decision puts everyone in jeopardy.

Wu: But it was your son's decision to make.

Garmadon: The young take too many risks. They should listen to their fathers.

Wu: Without risks, they'll never know how far they'll truly go. 

Garmadon(sighs) And what about that one? (points at Destiny who is standing off on the side) She didn't transfer her powers to Lloyd?

Wu: Destiny is unable to do so as the amount of power will corrupt him. The wielders of such destructive elements are the only ones born with the ability to control it. You out of all people should know that, brother.

Garmadon: Really? And why is that?

Wu: You were her trainer.

Garmadon: Ah, yes. I've changed now. Adapted to my normal self. And anyway, this will just cause them all to take greater risks, now that they are more powerful.

Wu: Have faith in the ninja, brother. We will catch Pythor and find Borg. Maybe then you'll rest easier.

Garmadon: As the protectors of this land, we don't have the luxury of taking a rest.

(Pythor walks up to the Overlord after a talk with Cryptor)

Pythor: Overlord. The Nindroids are growing... impatient. They are doubting your existence and will soon altogether if we don't give them proof that you are alive.

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