Chapter 20

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"Your in so much shit, you know that!" Harry barked at me the second Louis shut his bedroom door. He couldn't be serious right now.
"Your such a hypocrite! You can't even stand straight" I retort flopping backwards onto the bed.
"I'm a damn adult Summer, you are child and you WILL learn to do as I say for once in your life" He slurs threateningly while taking a steps closer to the bed. I shoot back up lessening the still ridiculous height gap.
"Well if I'm such a child maybe you shouldn't have taken me to a fucking club, MR. Styles" I emphasise the last two words sarcastically.
"Trust me, I won't be making a mistake like that ever again" He promises.
"You know, I meant what I said earlier Harry." I pause for a second and see the slight confusion on his face, struggling to recall anything in such a drunken state.
"You really are a fucking dick"
Harry's lips clench together in anger, now directly in front of me I look up to face him and can feel his heavy breath on my face. He looks as though he wants to slap me silly.
In all honesty that would have shocked me less then what happened next.
The two of us engage in a stare off for a brief few moments before each of Harry's large hands tightly gripped ahold of either side of my face. For a moment I was unsure of what was happening, until Harry's lips crashed into mine furiously. Within a single second everything else left my mind. The kiss was rough and intense, both of us releasing the built up frustration between us. Harry's hand moved from my face into my hair, tugging at in every once in a while.
He takes a step forward causing me to fall backwards onto the bed, following closely behind not once breaking the connection.
Now laying underneath Harry's muscular chest, his arms either side of me I begin to unbutton his shirt, meanwhile his hands trail lustfully up and down my body. As I reach the last button he finally pulls his lips from mine and sits up on his knees pulling each arm out of the shirt and tossing it across the room. For the second time in my life I take in Harry's toned chest and colourful, to say the least, tattoos.
Instead of reconnecting our lips as expected he remains sat up, placing his hands on my ankles and making his way slowly up my legs, stopping only at the hen of my red dress. He parts my legs slightly and shuffles up the bed, now kneeling I between my knees. All the while I lay there memorised and unable to move or speak. He fiddles teasingly with the hem of my dress before eventually lifting it revealing my lacy black underwear. Even at such a moment can't help feeling smug as Harry inhales deeply, clearly affected by the sight before him.
Regaining his composure and quickly taking back control he rips the fragile lace right off me, an act which only deepened my lust for him in this moment.
Now on all fours his head slowly lowed down I between my legs, a loose curl tickling my inner thigh sent a shiver down my spine. He places a few stray gentle kisses on my legs and lower stomach, teasing me yet again.
Harry looked up, he's darker then usual green eyes boring into me.
"Beg me" He whispers, his hot breath causing my skin to tingle in anticipation. I don't respond.
"If you want it your going to have to ask nicely" He repeats
Anger flushes through me. He cannot be serious. This is typical Harry, he has to ruin a perfect moment with his oversized ego.
"Go fuck yourself Harry" I spit, intending on getting up and storming off.
I am however stopped in my tracks when his warm tongue licks ferociously across my vagina, giving me a taste of what I could have if I give in to his demand. He licks and kisses a few more times before looking up at me expectantly.
By now desire has taken over me and I am willing to do anything.
"Please" I whisper breathlessly. A satisfied smirk spreads across Harry's face.
"Please MR.Styles" He corrects me and I repeat the words quickly after him, desperate to bring his touch back to me.
"Good girl" he smirks and without warning plunges two fingers deep into me, despite the slight pain it feels incredible. I buck my hips in pleasure as he vigorously pumps his long fingers in and out. It's not long before I feel an intense knot building in my lower stomach, despite being inexperienced in such matters I can tell I'm about to reach my climax. I let out a deep sigh as an intense pleasure floods my body and I feel myself unravelling.
"Some warning would have been nice" Harry mocks with a chuckle as he removes his now dripping wet fingers from inside me, sucking them before wiping them on the bed sheet while I slowly come down from my high.
After five or so minutes sleep begins taking over my still mildly intoxicated body. I feel Harry remove my heels before sitting me up and instruct me to raise my arms and he pulls the tightly fitted dress up my body and over my head, leaving me in just a bra. He then lays me back down, wraps one muscular arm tightly round my waist before pulling the covers over the both of us. Within minutes I am asleep.

Omg after 20 chapters something finally happened between them!!
I felt kind of weird writing this chapter as it's really not supposed to be that kind of a book. But they obviously can't have a relationship without these chapters so...
Anyway, please vote and comment🙏🙏

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