Chapter 16

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Summers P.O.V

.I collapsed on the couch exhausted after tidying up the mess from the party all day, all by myself. Who knew a few teenagers could make so much mess? When Harry dropped me home and I saw what a state the house was in I contemplated asking him to help but figured that May of been pushing it a little far. Plus, things with Harry were already strange enough, I couldn't imagine more awkward alone time with the teacher I am now pretending to date could help matters. Not to mention how oddly he acted on the journey home, at least twice I caught him just staring at me.Maybe he was still angry about everything, I don't know. So I ended up spending my entire day hungover, picking up empty bottles and scrubbing stains off the cream carpet.

Relieved that the house was finally in an acceptable state and satisfied that all evidence of my party was hidden I curled up on the couch and shut my eyes intending to only rest them for a moment or two, gradually I felt myself slipping into unconscious sleep.

"You look beautiful. And your all mine." Harry smirked from the doorway of he's bedroom before walking towards me while his eyes surveyed my entire body, wearing just a black lace thong and matching bra. He took a strong hold of my naked legs, flipping me backwards onto the bed and crawled on top of me, he's piercing green eyes staring directly into mine
"Mmm Harry" I moaned
He's head slowly dipped so that he's lips were just millimetres away from mine.
All of a sudden without warning he disappeared. I jumped in shock as my eyes flew open. Confusion filled my mind as Harry was still there, he's green eyes still staring back into mine.
"Harry?" I questioned, my voice still groggy with sleep.
"I think you were dreaming" He whispered, he's voice was soft but a small smirk struggled not to appear on his pink lips. Still confused I pulled myself up to sitting on the sofa.
"But we were just..." I trailed off, realisation that it was just a dream hitting in.
"Just what?" He urged.
"Umm,what are you doing here?" I changed the subject.
"It's nice to see you too" He chuckled.
"I thought you might still be ill from last night, I tried ringing but you didn't pick up so I came over."
"Oh, sorry I was sleeping"
"I see that" He's raised he's eyebrows and that smirk returned. I stared at him for a moment trying to figure out what was so amusing. He stared back.
Neither of us said anything for a few moments, just watched each other.
"Now, what have you eaten?" Harry broke the silence. I didn't say anything, knowing he'd be unhappy with my answer of nothing.
"Right, I'm ordering pizza"
"Noo, I feel sick"I protested clutching my stomach for effect.
"Well maybe next time you'll learn your lesson and not get drunk" He dismissed my whining and began tapping what I assume was a takeout number into he's phone.

Before long a pizza delivery guy was knocking on the door, which Harry insisted on answering despite the fact we were at my house.
I cringed at the size of the extra cheese meat feast pizza Harry placed down on the coffee table. he sat down next to me and didn't hesitate grabbing a huge slice finishing it off before I had even moved.
"Summer eat!" He commanded giving me a stern look. I rolled my eyes and reluctantly picked up the smallest slice I could see. Harry sighed heavily and shook he's head but didn't say anything. We decided to put the T.v on while we ate, and after a lot of debating settled on 'How I met your mother'
I finished my slice of pizza and resisted Harry's various attempts to get me to eat another. Slowly my sleepy state from before Harry arrived returned,without thinking I rested my head on his shoulder. As soon as I did it I realised what I'd done but it was too late and he was actually really comfy so I just stayed there, hoping he wouldn't find my actions too weird. Before long my eyes were shutting.

Harry's P.O.V

She said my name. While she was sleeping she said my name. And now she was asleep on my shoulder. Trying not to wake her I lifted my arm bringing it around her back, so she was now on my chest. She fitted in under my arm perfectly, it felt right but a part of me told me it was wrong. I pushed that part of me to the back of my mind and just enjoyed being there, with Summer curled up next to me.

Summers P.O.V

opening my eyes slowly to getting reacquainted with the light at first I didn't recognise my surroundings but then realised I was laid on my couch. Alone. I can't deny the slight disappointment I felt upon realising Harry was gone. When did he leave? What time was it anyway? I reached for my phone on the coffee table and a price of paper caught my eye. I picked it up and began reading.
"Morning sleepy,
Sorry I had to leave before you woke up, I had a meeting. Hope the hangovers better, and make sure you eat breakfast, I'll be checking!
-Harry x"
I shook my head and couldn't help but laugh, even in a note he was bossy. After reading it over a good 3 or 4 times I took it along with my phone up to my room, storing the note in a shoe box at the very back of my closet. I then plugged my phone into the charger and headed for the shower.

The hot water was comforting, washing away all my tension. I stayed there for a long time just letting my mind wander, reliving the eventful weekend. First my disastrous party which resulted in me being arrested and rescued by Harry. Then sleeping in Harry's, bed, sure I was drunk and it's not like anything happened but I think sleeping in your teachers bed is bad enough! convincing Louis that we were dating and finally falling asleep on his shoulder after an unscheduled pizza night. I never imagined myself looking forward to Monday but after all of that school might actually seem like a break.

I know this is really short and kind of crappy but iv got so so so much school work!:( Anyway, iv got a huge assignment to hand in on Monday so after that I'll update again.
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