Chapter 22

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My phone vibrated on the desk a 7th time time and a 7th time I ignored it.
It was Monday afternoon and I had still hardly moved from my bed since yesterday when I got home from Harry's. I had just about managed a shower this morning but school was out of the question. There was no way I could face HIM again after the way he humiliated me. Instead I pulled the covers over my head and drifted in and out of sleep feeling sorry for myself.
My wallowing in self pity continued all day and onto the next aswell. By Wednesday morning I had still only left my room to use the bathroom and the occasional trip to the kitchen for the odd snack of toast or fruit. Despite immense boredom really kicking in I still had no plans to face that asshole at school, until an obnoxiously loud banging on my door that is. Crap. No one else is crazy enough to come Harass me this early in the morning I think to myself as my heart begins to race at the thought of seeing Harry again. I ignore the continued knocks for a few minutes until gathering the courage to make my way to the front door.
An unexpected pang of disappointment  rushes over me as I see that it isn't harry at my door, it's Bren.
Disappointment is quickly taken over by mild embarrassment at the state I must look, unshowered, hair unbrushed and no make up. Excellent.
"Um, hi" I question more then say.
"Hey"He hesitates looking at me up and down in surprise for a moment before shaking whatever thoughts are in his head.
"Are you okay summer, you've been off all week and even Kylie said she hadn't heard from you. We were all worried you know."
I screw my face up in confusion as to why he was being nice, considering the last time we spoke was an argument.
"I've been dick, that all" I lie.
Why do you even care? You have Lauren to keep you busy remember"
I honestly couldn't care less about Lauren and Bren, after everything else that has happened it seems like a distant memory. But still, it hurt my ego and I'm not one for letting a grudge go. I attempt to shut the door on him but his foot blocks my way.
" I'm sorry okay! I don't know what to do to show you it meant nothing."
His eyes looking intently at mine.
"Lauren means nothing. But me and you summer. The two most popular kids at school. We'r good together. We make sense. You know I'm right."
I take a moment to process what he is saying.
"God. Your so hot. I want you so bad. I want the whole school to know your mine."
the whole school.those words stand out in my head. Okay, so Bren may be the biggest asshole for getting with another girl in my own house, at my own party. And I may feel nothing towards him compared to the way I feel when Harry looks at me but at least he wants me. He wants me and he doesn't care who knows it. Harry on the other hand wants to keep my a dirty secret to be ashamed of.
Well if Harry dosent want me I may as well show him that someone else does.
I smile as seductivlely as possible at Bren.
"I guess we can forget about that little incident" i say while pushing my boobs out as much as possible.
"I guess I had better get ready for school. But I'll see you you in science class. And we can find something more interesting then studying to do." I look him up and down suggestively before closing the door behind me.
I still felt crushed over Harry's brushing off but Bren chasing me had given me the confidence boost to at least make it back to school. But there's only so long I could wallow in my room. Plus, it was the perfect way to make harry think I couldn't care less that he didn't want me.
Soon enough I'd make sure me and Bren were all over each other right in Harry's face.
And I couldn't wait.


I stopped off at the girls bathroom to reapply make up and double check my hair before heading to my science class. My heart was beating uncontrollably and my palms sweating like crazy but I pushed all emotion to the back of my mind and swung the door open with all the fake confidence I could muster.
The bell had gone a good 5 minutes ago and everyone else was already copying down work from the blackboard. Ordinarily harry would scold me for being late but he didn't even react, eyes glued to the laptop infront of his desk.
I sat in my old seat next to Bren, from which Harry had made me move. And still no reaction.
Even nothing as I rubbed Bren's back with my hand in an overly friendly manor and leaned into him inappropriately close.
Fine. If he wanted to act like I didn't even exist I would pay all my attention to the guy who actually seemed to want me. The whole lesson me and Bren flirted uncontrollably, and he kept finding excuses to touch me. A rub on the shoulder, a tap on the leg, even a kiss on the cheek. Under normal circumstances any teacher, let alone over controlling harry would have told us off but now, nothing.
I ignored the huge sinking feeling I felt every time harry didn't look my way and instead comforted myself with the cheap attention I was getting from Bren.
It was at least some compensation.

Harry's POV. 

Sat at the kitchen table over dinner Louis chatted away about a football match, something about the ref miscalling an offside but I wasn't really listening. My mind occupied with rage over today's events. That lowlife rich kid Bren from school putting his sleazy hand all over Summer. The way the two walked out with his hand resting on her bum was the worst.
I sighed deeply. It had taken everything in me not to rip them apart and punch his lights out. But I couldn't. The weekends events had gone way too far. Summer, now matter how beautiful, how smart, how funny, was my pupil. I had taken advantage and everything about my behaviour was unprofessional.
I felt terrible at the way I had let her leave  believing I didn't care at all. But That girl was so intoxicating to me that the only way I could be fair to her and make sure it didn't happen again or even worse go any further was to stay away from her. Well away.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 13, 2016 ⏰

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