chapter 6

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"he's so cute and i think he likes me, what do you think summer?"
i could hear Kylie talking endlessly about yet another new boy she's interested in, but my mind was focussed on tonight.
how did i end up in this position? with HIM as my new tutor, at my house 4 days a week!
"summer are you even listening?"
"oh yer, sorry um what were you saying?"
"uugh forget it! iv got to get to class, i'll see you later"
and with that she flounced off.
thats when i realised, science was next. i thought about skipping it but it was no use, i couldn't avoid him forever, after all he was going to be at my house later. so i decided just to sit at the back and try to keep out of trouble for once. I walked in and thankfully Mr. Styles wasn't here yet, i took a seat and could feel the nerves starting to build up. but why? He's just a stupid teacher, like all the other 100's in this school. right?
I decided to have a scroll through twitter while we waited for him, i was just checking my mentions when he walked in, expecting him to yell at me or confiscate my phone i quickly locked it and stuffed it back in my pocket. But he didn't, he didn't even look at me. In fact other than reading my name in registration he didn't speak to me, at all. Not that i care, obviously. The bell rang and everyone filed out of the room, again i expected him to call me back, say something about tonight at least. But he didn't.

It was dead on 5 o'clock when the black range rover i had become all to familiar with rolled up into the drive. I watched out my bedroom window as Mr. Styles climbed out, locking the car and made his way to the house. I then heard his knock, my dad open the door and them both exchanging friendly greetings before my Dads voice boomed up the stairs "Summer, your teachers hear!" i deliberately waiting a little longer then was polite before grabbing my phone and dawdling downstairs. Sir was sat at the kitchen table flicking through a few text books. i coughed awkwardly causing him to turn round "ah summer, take a seat" i rolled my eyes, who does he think he is telling me to take a seat in my own home? "summer. sit." I scowled slightly but sat down anyway. "okay, let me show you what we'r starting off with" and he opened up one of he books. i looked the other way, if he wanted to ignore me while we were at school id do the same now. "Summer, for god's sake will you pay attention?" ha, i could tell i was really starting to wind him up, and knew exactly what to do next. I slipped my phone out my pocket and started typing a text to Kylie. "Summer you better put that away this second" i ignored him and the next thing i know my phone is being ripped out of my grip. "oi, what did you do that for?" i yelled. He leaned right over in his chair, so his face was next to mine. i could even feel his breath on my face. "Iv had just about enough of this attitude summer, am i clear?" he questioned. i knew exactly how to tip him over the edge "yes, HARRY" i said with the biggest smirk on my face. He's eyes immediately darkened and his hand clenched into a fist "What did you just call me?" before i had a chance to respond he stood up from the chair and swept all the books off the table causing them to clatter on the floor in anger then turned his back on me running one hand through his curls the other resting on is hip. he sighed heavily " why do you always have to be so, so like this?" that hurt. "like what?"
" i know your a good kid summer but you need to start acting like it!"
I could feel how angry he was, like he despised me and i hated it. He was right, why was i deliberately winding him up? why did i constantly play up in he's lessons just to make him mad? "I'm, I'm sorry okay, I'm sorry. I just wanted to get you back for ignoring me" He's eyebrows furrowed "what on earth are talking about?"i knew how stupid id sound whining that my teacher ignored me so i just left it "never mind" i whispered and looked at the floor. He's face broke into a small smile "lets just get on with the work shall we? and i'll do you a deal, since we'r not at school i guess Harry is fine"
***2 weeks later***
The next two weeks went a lot better than i expected. me and Harry actually started getting on and he's really not that bad once you get to know him. Still overly strict, particularly at school but as long as you follow the rules everything's fine.
It got to ten past 5 before Harry arrived, i opened the front door with a grin "your late"
"oh your one to talk missy, what is it you'v had now, 3 late detentions?" he mocked while patting me on the head. " Stop your messing my hair up" i whined dodging out of he's way. He smirked ruffling my hair and walked off down the hall to our usual place at the kitchen table. I shut the door and followed him.
"Right, w'er starting with a test today, don't look so surprised i warned you last week"
"oh um, well" i stalled knowing full well i would fail, i might of been hating my teacher less but that didn't mean i'd got any better at science.
"okay question one" he began.
"Come on We'v gone over this a thousand times"
"Its not my fault Harry, I'm trying my hardest" i protested dropping my head on the desk in defeat. He grabbed hold of my arm pulling me back up "come on Iv got an idea"he stood up and took my phone in his other hand " i know how addicted you are to this thing so For every question you get wrong you loose your phone for a day" He stated.
i shot up from my seat "what, you cant do that!" i raged
"um i think you'll find i can, your father told me to do whatever it takes to get your grades up, and if this is what it takes" He moved his hand further out of reach as i made a grab for the phone. I leaped again, this time falling right into his chest. Harry steadied me holding the top of my arm. We stood there for a second or so before i did something really stupid.
I leaned up connecting my lips with his, it felt electric just to be this close to him even though it only lasted a moment. Harry took hold of both my arms and yanked me off his eyes studying me for a few seconds before he's face turned from utter shock to angry. Right then was one of the worst moments of my life as i realized what I'd done. I just kissed my teacher. I mustered up the courage to look back to Harry, in his eyes was pure anger. I couldn't take it, i ran.

I finally updated! sorry for such a wait, but something interesting finally happened:)
please vote and comment? It would mean a lot, I'm not sure how well this is going.
How amazing is Diana !!!

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