Chapter 21

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Harrys P.O.V

I woke up in a sudden sweat, yanking the duvet of my clammy chest. Apart from the banging in my head, as a reminder of last nights shots, I had an uneasy churning in my stomach, like that feeling you get when something's wrong but your not sure what. I pulled myself up wearily and gave my eyes a moment to come into focus.

I froze as my tired eyes landed on a black stiletto discarded on the floor at the other side of the room. My heart dropped as vivid memories of last night seeped back into my mind. Summer lay beneath me, panting in my ear, totally at my mercy, desperate for more as I kiss my way down her neck, a combination of sweet perfume and bitter alcohol intoxicating my senses even more then they already are. I force myself out of the pleasurable flashback, disgusted with myself. Summer is my pupil. I'm her teacher. What the hell was I thinking? Did I take advantage of her? does this make me some kind of monster? A hundred questions like this raced through my mind all at the same time before it occurred to me, regardless of what happened last night Summer was no longer in the bed. Or anywhere I could see. What if she left while still drunk and got hurt? What if she's already told someone about last night? Get it together harry! I pinched the bridge of my nose and squeezed shut my eyes, trying to focus on one thought at a time.

"umm hi" I am disturbed from by thoughts by that familiar voice. Summer stood in the doorway of the en suite, hair dripping wet, fresh from the shower and wearing a shirt that hangs just low enough to cover the essentials. "I borrowed a shirt, I hope you don't mind" Her eyes lingered on me as she spoke, and a small, seductive smile hid just behind her lips. It was all I could do to stop myself throwing her on the bed right there and then. "Uh no that's fine, you can borrow some pants too" I offer gesturing to the wardrobe, avoiding looking at her. Not because I'm any sort of gentleman but because if she stands there like that any longer I wont be responsible for my actions. "It's a little bit late for modesty don't you think?" She said with a hint of amusement in her voice. "This isn't funny Summer! I'm your teacher for god's sake. I could loose my job, don't you understand that?" My frustration gets the better of me. I just don't understand how she can be acting so casual about this. Any hint of that small smile on Summers face disappears to be replaced with a pouty glare. "Wait, you mean last night wasn't just part of your personal tutoring services?" "Just put them on" I order walking over to the wardrobe myself and handing her a pair of grey sweat pants. "NO" She defies staring straight back at me. I sigh heavily, really not in the mood for her attitude today. "Put the fucking sweat pants on. I wont ask you again." I growl. It backed as she storms out the room

Summers P.O.V

I slam the bedroom door behind me, needing desperately to get away from Harry. I stop in the kitchen, deeming it a safe distance away for the moment. I bite down violently on my lip in an attempt to stop any of the tears building in my eyes from escaping. Harry couldn't even look at me. The same man who only a few hours ago was tenderly kissing my inner thighs now seemed disgusted by my presence. "Morning love." I turn round in shock to see Louis smirking at me. Suddenly regretting my refusal to take the sweats as I stand there in only an oversized shirt I make a naïve attempt to pull the shirt down further then it already is. Louis chuckles some more. "oh c'mon I wouldn't bother with that if I were you, I'm not sure you have any secrets from me anymore." He teases. My heart drops as I'm not sure exactly what he's referring to. "ahh Mr.Styles, Mr Styles, yesss, I had no idea you and Harry were so kinky" He mocks in a high pitched voice. I feel my cheeks burn red instantly as Louis continues to do elaborate reconstructions of everything he heard last night. "I get the damn point" I snap. He raises an eyebrow but shuts up.

Moments later the kitchen door flies open and Harry enters briskly, he's eyes rapidly flicking between Louis and myself. "So, breakfast?" Asks Louis, clearly confused by all the awkward, tension. "No your alright mate, Summer has to get home." Harry replies before the question has even been finished. I let out an obvious tut and roll my eyes away from Harry, who still wont keep he's focus on me for more then half a second. Louis draws out an 'Okay' and buries he's head in the cupboard in an obvious effort to avoid whatever was going on here. Sadly I have no such option.

Harry took a grip of my hips and firmly guided me in front of him and then back towards the bedroom, practically shoving me away from him the second we're through the door. "Jesus Har" I was cut off "I could really do without your childish behaviour today Summer. For once in your life your going to do as your told. Now keep your mouth shut and put those fucking sweats on so I can take you home." He raged at me. I felt those the tears from earlier threatening to spill down my face again as I looked at him in shock. "You don't have to be such a jerk." Is all I could muster before turning away, not wanting him to see the effect he could have on me. I had hardly expected marriage proposals this morning but the way Harry marches about always trying to be the hero of my life, saving me from the police station, getting angry at me for being too drunk, I would have at least thought breakfast and a smile would be on the cards after the night we spent together.

I heard Harry sigh regretfully from behind me "I'm sorry okay." He states matter of factly " I'm the adult here, last night was my fault, I shouldn't have let it happen. But I need you to understand Summer, my job, my whole life is on the line here." He sounded more and more desperate as he continued. I turned back around having to fight to stop myself visibly shaking, I looked Harry in the eye and repeated the word that kept ringing in my ears "Fault?" "Is that all last night was to you, a big mistake that has to be taken responsibility for?" I asked, disappointed, but not entirely sure why. I shook my head and walked towards the bedroom door, still expecting Harry to race after me and ask where I think I'm going still dressed in just a shirt and drag me to his car. He didn't. I turned , one last time to look back. Harry stood is the exact same spot, blank expression on his face, not even bothering to deny it or pacify me.

I shut the bedroom door behind me and walked straight out of the apartment, my damp hair creating a wet patch on the back of Harrys shirt. "Goodbye Harry" I whisper, more to the Harry I'd clearly only known in my imagination then the cold one I had just walked out on.


Wow. Too long has been an understatement, this was written ages ago but never published. I will write again soon

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