Chapter 18

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I laid idly on my bed flicking through vogue magazine not even bothering to read the articles, my mind still on my latest tutoring session. Harry had had his hair cut which had proved somewhat of a distraction to my learning the elements of the periodic table.
I was snapped out of my musings by the vibrations of my phone on the bed side table, an unknown number flashed up on screen but given that I had nothing better to do I decided to answer anyway, it was probably some geek from school who had earned my number off one of the football team by doing there homework or paying them.
"Hello?" Mumbles and shouting from a distance greeted me but no reply
"I said HELLO"
"Geeze alright love, calm down" A vaguely familiar and far too over enthusiastic voice piped up
"Who is this? And what do you want?" I demanded
"Lovely to speak to you again too" the voice chuckled "it's Louis of course, Harry's friend, we met the other week just after you'd finished fucking him"
My eyes widened and I felt my cheeks go red even though I was alone in my room. I attempted to protest the statement but he continued.
"Anyway, I was ringing to tell you that there's an awesome club night at 'sin' on Saturday that we'r all going to, and Harry's bringing you"
"What?" Not one part of this made sense.
"Okay, he doesn't know he's bringing you yet" Louis admitted sheepishly
"Anyway Iv gotta go, busy guy I am! So I'll see you Saturday yeah okay great bye."
And with that the call was ended. I sat up utterly confused for a moment as to what exactly had just happened. How did Louis get my number? Had I just been set up on a date with my teacher? And would Harry really let this go ahead?
"If I ever catch you even thinking the words party or alcohol ever again I'll make you very very sorry" Harry's words repeated in my head, so clearly it was almost as if I could hear his deep voice whispering it to me all over again. I shiver raced down my spine as I replayed the memory.
That answered my last question at least, there's no way Harry would ever agree to it! Ever so slightly disappointed at knowing that I attempted to dismiss the whole thing and began getting ready for bed. I undressed and reached for Harry's grey t shirt, something which had become quite a habit over the past few nights. Pulling it over my head I inhaled deeply taking in the now familiar scent.
"You did what?" I questioned my supposed best friend
"Sorry mate, but I'm not going to let you just fuck and chuck another one, your giving this one a chance and that's final"
I dropped my head into my hands rubbing my face in frustration.
"I'm not bringing her Louis!" I tried getting my point across
"Well iv already asked her anyway, wouldn't be very gentlemanly of you to uninvite her now would it? Besides, if you don't take her I will" He smirked.
I masked the small frown that wanted to show at Louis comment of taking Summer out, and flopped back onto the sofa in defeat "fineeeee" I wined like a small child.
"You win, she can come"
Sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry
I have been totally inactive for months!:( iv just been too busy! I'm gonna update lots over the Christmas tho! Also, sort that this is so short I just wanted to get something up to get moving again. This story has been dragging along slowly for far too long now, things are about to get interesting! Next update will be Sunday or Monday!
Sorry again and thank you so much if you even still read this and haven't given up😘

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