chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Summers P.O.V

I put the key in my front door, unlocking it and stepped inside. That couldn't of been a worst first day i thought to myself as i dumped my bag down. All i wanted to do now was take a relaxing bath and watch some bad t.v. i walked into my en-suit and started running a bath, adding bubble bath and bath salts to make it extra relaxing. Stripping off my awful uniform, and slipping in i starting to think over the days events. Even just recalling Mr.Styles reading through my phone made me cringe. But even more worryingly, the more i thought about him the more i realised how beautiful he is. I quickly shook the thought out of my mind. After all he's a teacher, and an extremely moody one at that.

*Next Day*

For some reason i woke up early rather than late, perhaps it was nerves. i WASNT looking forward to detention with Mr.Styles! Anyway i decided to make the most of my extra time, i did all the usual stuff such as brushing my teeth and washing my face before lightly curling my hair and spending a little more time then usual on my make up. i changed into my uniform and of course my special bracelet. Before heading downstairs, i'v never been a breakfast person so i just had a glass of orange juice before leaving for school. My dad was still away on a business trip so no one was there to moan at me for it either.

Usually the school day drags on but today it was going way too quick for my liking, the bell has just gone which means only one more lesson before my special 'date' with Mr.Styles. "summer...summer?" my thoughts were interrupted my someone calling my name. i turned round. Kylie. "Hey, someones in a world of there own" she smirked. "sorry, it's just I'm dreading tonight, i'v got detention with" i hesitated for a moment knowing Kylies thoughts on him she was bound to make a big deal about it and wind me up. "with who" she questioned nudging me a little. "um...Mr.Styles" i half whispered. Her face lit up into a huge grin "ooooh, what's to dread about that? I'll go instead if you like" she said while fixing up her hair and giggling. "it's your fault I'm there in the first place, those texts yesterday" i reminded her. She apologised while still grinning i just rolled my eyes "come on, we need to get to maths before we'r late." Miss Jones ranted on about equations while no one really listened, some kids were on the phones under the desk you could see the glow from the screens quite plainly, lucky for them miss Jones is practically blind. but i'd learnt my lesson about phones in class so just sat day dreaming about nothing in-particular until the bell rang. As we walked out of math class Kylie wished me good luck before heading off towards the gate. Well actually she told me to "get lucky" which i chose to ignore.

Really not being in the mood for this today i walked up to Mr.Styles class room and lightly knocked, hoping there would be no answer so i could just leave. Unfortunately for me a familiar voice called out "come in" I hesitantly walked through the door. "ah, miss Parker glad to see you came" the one and only Mr.Styles said from he's desk at the front of the room. "my name is summer." i replied admittedly quite aggressively, however i HATE being called that. His jaw hardened, he stood up from he's desk and walked till he was directly in front of me.He was so close, i could See he's chest moving up and down as he breathed. "Your Here As A Punishment So Don't Even Start With An Attitude On Me!" he half yelled through gritted teeth. Feeling slightly intimidated i just looked at the ground and mumbled a "sorry"

He told me to take a seat before bringing over a work book and taking a seat next to me. "now, normally i would just get you doing lines or something but i looked at your report and well your science grade defiantly needs improving" i raised an eyebrow at him as he continued "so i thought we could do some work on it" he smiled. I got distracted by the dimples in he's cheeks and by the fact i think this is the first time i'd seen him actually smile. He coughed pulling me out of my day dream. "oh um okay, i guess" i finally answered. He flicked the book open to the periodic table and began talking away in sciency language that i really didn't understand. Every now and again he'd look up at me to question if i was following, to which i just nodded even though i didn't understand a word of what he said. i was concentrating too hard on not staring at hes intensely green eyes or mop of shiny curly brown hair. i have to admit, overlooking the moodiness he's defiantly the best looking teacher iv ever seen.

Before i knew it half an hour had passed and Mr.Styles was standing up from the chair he'd previously been sat on. "okay you can go now SUMMER" he emphasised 'summer' because of my earlier comment. "Just complete these questions for next lesson." he said handing me a worksheet. "aww do i have to?" i moaned. he chuckled, "yes, and i don't want to see you back in detention again OK, I'm sure a pretty girl like you has got better things to do" i froze for a moment, did Mr.Styles just call me pretty? i felt my cheeks starting to redden again and so said a rushed goodbye and hurried out of the room. On my way home i realised that twice now Mr.Styles has had me, the most confident girl you'll ever meet racing out of that class room in embarrassment. How? why?

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