chapter 10 part 1

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Harrys p.o.v

"Summer i" i begin, but its too late, she scurries out the car and I'm pretty sure she is crying.
"im sorry, i didn't mean it" i whisper even though she's already gone.
I cross my arms over the steering wheel and lean my head on them, How could i say those awful things to her? I didn't mean any of if, of course i didn't! Just seeing her dressed like that pushed me over the edge. Summer's one of the most naturally beautiful girls i'v ever seen, she doesn't need a short skirt and piles of make up on her face like other girls do to get attention.
Seeing her like that scared me, thats why i acted like i did. Summer is a my pupil, nothing more and never can be. But if thats the case, why was the first thing i thought when i saw her this morning how amazing she looked?

I stay like that for a good 10 minutes rerunning what happened in my head, wishing i'd kept my mouth shut. I don't want to move but iv got a class to teach so finally lift my head up, running my hand through my hair before making my way back into the school and attempting to push all these thoughts to the back of my mind

Summers p.o.v

Thankfully theres still 10 minutes of 1st period left so the corridors are mostly empty, i make it to the girls toilets before i give up and completely break down, letting the tears stream freely down my cheeks. All this time a small part of me thought Harry might of actually cared for me, but not anymore. I realise now that to him I'm just a stupid little girl. He didn't do all that stuff like dragging me out the night club, tutoring me and making me change because he cares for me. He did it because he hates me. Probably revenge for always playing up in he's classes or because I'm so stupid and useless at science. How could i be so naive?

"Pull your self together Summer" I finally tell myself wiping the mascara stained tears from my cheeks and splashing cool water from the taps onto my face. I stare at my reflection in the mirror, and it gradually sinks in...everything Harry said about me is true. I purposely dressed the way i did today to get attention, every week is the same, paint on the perfect face of make up and wear the skimpiest outfit i can find. All to hide the fact I'm no good at anything else.My Dad cares more about work then spending time with me, I fail almost all my subjects at school, i gave up dancing because it got in the way of partying, all i have left is looking pretty and being popular. And i wont let Harry take that from me. He thinks I'm a slut? He's seen nothing yet.

I snap out of self pity mode, finally managing to stifle the tears. With only a few minutes before second period i pull my make up out of my school bag and quickly do my best to patch up my face, hiding all signs of my emotional outburst. The bell rings and i take one last look in the mirror, checking i look perfect before plastering on a fake smile and heading to my next lesson.

Mrs Jones rants on about the suffrigets while i pay absolutely no attention and doodle idly on the cover of my history book. Well after all, I'm only the stupid party girl who doesn't care about school, right?
"Summer are you even listening?" Mrs Jones barks.
"Not really, no" i reply bluntly causing The rest of the class to snigger which makes her even more annoyed.
"Enough of the attitude young lady"
I roll my eyes at her and mutter for her to get fucked under my breath, apparently not quite enough though as her face turns to horror and she shouts for me to get out the class. Everyone in the room watches the events unfold. I'm really not in a good mood after everything thats already happened today and i just loose it shoving all the book and papers off my desk, sending them in all directions before they fall they fall to the floor and i get up to leave.
"Make that the principles office! And i will be telling him to expect you!" She screeches moments before i slam the classroom door.
For a moment i consider just leaving and going home, but that would get me in the shit 10 times worse. Then again, going to see the principle doesn't sound too appealing either, despite being overweight and slightly balding Principle Smith can be surprisingly scary at times. and he would undoubtedly call my Dad, something i could really do without right now.
I end up wandering the corridors aimlessly for at least 15 minutes replaying this mornings events over and over in my mind. Thats the most anoying thing about Harry, even when i hate him i cant get him out my head. My thoughts are cut short as i collide into someone. I look up to see Bren with a concerned smile on his face.
"Summer? are you ok?"
"Um yer why wouldn't i be?" i answer way too quickly even i wouldn't believe myself.
"Oh well, i just i saw you earlier um you weren't in English." He changes tact mid sentence
"Actually, you know what? Im not ok. Im sick of this dump thinking they can control me!" Bren nods sympathetically but theres a hint of something else as he raises his eye brow at me.
"Lets just ditch it then!" He takes a step closer to me, by now he's so close he needs to look down to make eye contact. Not that he towers above me in the same way Harry does.
"What? We cant, what if" I begin but don't even make it to the end of the sentence before Bren's lips collide with mine. For a moment it feels wrong and i want to pull away but the feeling is shoved from my mind as he takes the kiss up a gear, both hands wrap tightly round me and rest on the small of my back. His tongue forces its way into my mouth. Not that I'm complaining, and i finally kiss back
Just as I'm starting to enjoy it Bren pulls away.
"so, whats it gonna be? Stay here and be bored out your mind or come with me somewhere we can continue this?" We both know he doesn't even been to ask. He takes my hand in his and leads me hastily towards the car park.

OKAY, FIRSTLY I AM SORRY! i know i took waay to long to update! Iv been really busy but I'm going to make up for it.
i promise at least 4 more updates before christmas!
secondly, THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH! every vote and comment genuinely makes me so happy and the last chapter got loads more then i thought it would, so thank you:) LOVE YOU ALL! xxxxxxxx
p.s i know this was short so i thought id count it as only half a chapter and update the rest if it tomorrow, i just really wanted to update something tonight after taking so long

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