Chapter 19

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Summers P.O.V
"That's it for today class. Make sure to have the homework assignment done for Monday. miss parker stay behind for a moment please" Harry called out from his desk. Not that I was surprised, I hadn't spoken to him since the rather strange call from Louis on Wednesday, two days ago.
Unsure of what to expect I dawdled over to his desk, a little relieved to see that Harry appeared to be holding the same reluctant expression as myself.
"Summer." He started. "Let me start by saying I'm not at all happy with Louis calling you or the idea of taking you anywhere near a club again!" I open my mouth to begin the inevitable argument where I attempt to persuade him but am silenced before I even start with just the lifting of Harry's finger signalling for me to shut up.
" however, what's done is done and Louis is expecting to see you there so"
"Wait, your actually agreeing to let me come?" I interrupt successfully this time.
"Only if you promise to obey ALL the rules" I scrunched my face up in annoyance, why couldn't he ever just be fun?
" Firstly, absolutely no alcohol, we don't need a repeat of last time." I look at the floor, wishing he never brought that up.
"you stay with me all night, and do as I say." He continues.
"God harry, we'r only going to a club, not a war zone" I retort getting bored of his moaning on. Harry raises an eyebrow at me and gives me that all too familiar warning look with his eyes.
" lastly, your outfit must be pre approved by me." This was one too far.
"What? No way! If you had your way I'd be turning up in a nuns outfit!"
"Your choice, either you agree to the rules or you don't come" Harry States very matter of factly as he leans back in his desk chair folding his arms across his chest and staring intensely at me, tilting his head to the side ever so slightly. For a moment or two I'm thrown off by the way his dark green eyes seem to be burning into me. "Fineeee" I huff dragging out the E. I didn't actually intend on keep any of those promises of course but Harry didn't need to know that.
"See, now that wasn't too hard was it" He smirked, to which I give him a sarcastic glare and turn for the door.
"I'll pick you up at 8 sharp" Harry called after me as I exited.

I spend the drive home thinking about what to wear, how to do my hair, what does to wear, what make up look to go for. Being totally honest I was quite nervous, I'd only been clubbing once before and all Harry's friends were older than me, I didn't want to come off looking like like a dumb kid, which would be hard enough with All Harry's stupid rules.
The second I got home I began preparations for tonight, taking an extra long shower making sure to exfoliate and shave as well as rewashing my hair. I finally turn off the water and step out of my ensuit to hear a harsh knocking from outside. I quickly wrap myself in a fluffy white towel and hurry downstairs. Whipping open the front I'm confused to see none there, only a familiar black ranger rover in the drive. I see Harry looking at me through the rear mirror and give him a questioning look but it's too late as the car pulls away. I can't help thinking he gets weirder with every encounter I have with him, about to blow it off and continue getting ready which Harry so rudely interrupted when I notice a large box on the door Mat with a and note addressed to me. Taking the package up to my room I open the envelope reading "Summer."
Rule Three: check.
I rip the lid of the box off and am shocked to see a stunning sharp red dress. I pull it slowly from the box holding it against my body. It was beautiful. (Photo in the header)

Three hours later with hair and makeup complete I was finally ready to get dressed. I pick out a matching lacy black bra and thong set from Victoria secret before stepping into the dress. I finished off the look with a pair of plain black stilettos just in time to hear a knocking at the door for a second time today. I took one final look in in the mirror still in disbelief that Harry would take the time to buy such a beautiful dress for me all because he didn't want me to go out wearing something too revealing.

Harry's POV
I was in shock. There in front of me stood a beautiful woman in a red dress that complimented her curves and tiny waist perfectly, Long blonde locks flowing down past her shoulders and piercing blue eyes staring back at me. I shook my head out of my temporary trance state and reminded myself that a few hours ago this girl was sat infront of me doing science homework in her school uniform. A fancy dress and some heels didn't change the fact that she was a still a school girl and I was her teacher.
"Um hello?" Summer questioned waving her hand infront of my face.
""Uh, sorry, it's just. You look beautiful."
For a second she looked a little taken back, shy almost. Which is unheard of for Summer parker.
"I mean, that dress, whoever picked that out really knows a thing or two about fashion" I teased attempting to defused the strange moment we were sharing. Thankfully it worked and she hit me with her small clutch bag before we made our way to the car.

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