chapter 12

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I sat idly pushing a piece of pasta round my plate, not really listening to Kylie and everyone else chat about the party tonight. Bren edged closer to me for the 6th time, and discreetly placed a hand in the top of my leg under the table. "Um I'm going to the bathroom" I made an excuse to get away and rushed out the cafeteria. Thankfully the bell went so i hurried to next lesson before anyone could follow me.

For the first time ever English went by far to quickly and before i knew it, it was time for science. For once it wasn't Harry i was dreading, our argument last night didn't really worry me, I'm starting to get used to them. I was more bothered about avoiding Bren and the the impending Test that i just couldn't afford to fail.
I entered the classroom to see that all the desks had been separated in preparation for the test, at least i wont have Bren trying to feel me up all lesson i smirk to myself. Harry hands out the papers and everyone begins, i sit and stare at the questions that appear to make no sense at all and soon enough the hour is up. I sigh dropping my head into my hands knowing theres no way i passed.
"Um, Summer, i think we should schedule in an extra tutoring session tonight to ho over the test." Harry calls just as i reach the door, he doesn't sound himself but i cant put my finger on why. "No you cant, you cant cone round tonight" I panic and blurt out.
"i mean, i have to go with my father to a business party" i quickly thin up an excuse. I cant tell if he buys it but nods nevertheless. "just promise me you wont come round?" Harry doesn't reply or even look up from the papers on his desk. I take that as my que to leave. Im not exactly looking forward to this party but it's happening so i better go home and get ready.

It's five to 8 and first few guests have begun to arrive. I have my first shot of the night to calm my nerves. Even though its a fancy dress halloween party most of the girls had just worn dresses which was exactly what i had done, my dress was black and strapless paired with black high heels and some cat ears. I also drew on some whiskers and cat nose with my eyeliner.
Kylie had come as a 'zombie cheerleader' meaning she just wore her old cheer uniform, added a small fame cut to her cheek and backcombed her hair a little.
Gradually more and more people arrived, half of them i didn't even recognise. I pushed my way through the crowds towards the door needing some air. Just as I'm nearing the door someone shoved into the back of me causing me to spill my beer all down the front of my dress. I spun round ready to yell at the drunken idiot, only to find it was Bren. My heart sunk, for some reason I had got it into my head that I would be able to avoid him.
"summmmerrrrr" He slurred clearly drunk.
"Bren" I retort bluntly. Before either of us can say another word he lunges forward and connects our lips. It immediately feels wrong, the taste of alcohol and cigaret smoke infects my mouth. I pull away only for him to draw me back with his arms around my waist.
"Come on baby don't be like that, let's have some fun." he whispered too close to my ear and slid his hands down to my bum. Shaking my head I backed away quicker this time. The sudden movement knocked him off balance as he struggled not to fall over in he's drunken state. I took the opportunity to make an exit, shoving past him to get to the door, grabbing another drink on my way.

Despite the chilling fall weather the garden seemed just as crowed as the house, it's a miracle no ones fallen in the pool yet I thought to my self. Giving up on the idea of space and fresh air I quickly gulp down the rest of my drink and made my way back into the house, deciding instead to try and find Kylie. This party was getting out of control and I needed help!
I eventually find her in the Kitchen, tongue down some random guys throat,ew. after dragging the two of them apart Kylie told me to relax and have another drink, great help. After a failed attempt at chucking out the small crowd of teens smoking In my dining room I give in to Kylie's persuasion and pour myself a rather generous vodka and coke, before being dragged onto the make shift dance floor. We dance for at least 20minutes until something catches my eye, Bren in the corner, kissing someone. Lauren! They were all over each other. I was about to storm over to them and rip that slag off him but Kylie pulls me back
"Why do you even care?" She questions. I then realise I don't know why I care, I rejected him after all.
"I don't, She can have him" I shrug. By now the 2 of them have stopped playing tonsil tennis and are looking my way. Lauren clearly trying to wind me up, sat on he's knee practically licking his ear.
"Sloppy seconds again ay slag?" I smirk stumbling past them to the kitchen for another drink. Lauren begins to stand up looking for a fight but is pulled back down by Bren who is sporting a guilty look.
The next few hours are a blur of drinking, dancing and quite a bit of falling over. The next clear thing I remember Is a disturbingly loud, sharp knock at the door, even over blaring music. I ignore it assuming that the uninvited guests will just come in anyway like everyone else did. After a few minutes I heard the door being slung open, who ever this is better not have broken it.
I begun to hear a lot of screaming and shouting in the hall and stumble out see what the fuss is about. To my horror there are policemen all down the hall. One of them is already holding a guy up against the wall while another is holding a girl who can nearly stand up.
"That's her" Someone shouts and points to me. Oh no!
"Is this your house miss?" One of the cops questions striding towards me.
"Um, yrr, um yer" I slur out.
"In that case I'm afraid I'm going to have to ask you to come with me"
"What? You can't, there's nothing illegal about a party you know" I'm aware I'm not helping myself at all here but I'm not thinking straight.
"Disturbance of the peace, underage drinking, underage smoking. Do you wish me to continue?" He asks beginning to sound a lot harsher now. I just look to the ground and struggled to keep my balance. With that he places a firm hand on my shoulder and walks me out of my house. I call for Kylie but she's know where in sight. I'm in so much trouble!

There were so many thoughts spinning round my head, by the time I get to the station I gave an awful headache and feel sick to the stomach.I was lead to the front desk and asked a series of routine questions, Name, age address and so on. At least I've not actually Been properly arrested. I am made to explain the party, and about how my Dad is away.
"Well I'm not in a position to release you without the signature of a responsible adult. Particularly in your state" The same officer from the house states, referring to the way I am having to prop myself against the desk I order to not tumble over. I flop my head into my hands. Tears beginning to pool in my eyes, what the hell a I going to do?
"SUMMER PARKER!" An extremely angry voice yells from the entrance to the station, earning a scowl from the officer due to the volume. I turnaround to see the last person I expected. HARRY.

MERRY CHRISTMAS GUYS:) this feels a lot longer than usual,hope you enjoy! let me know in the comments what you think is gonna happen, don't forget to vote ;)xxxxxx
Oh,and someone asked who I imagine summer as, so I think of Megan parken as summer, if you haven't heard of her she's a youtuber and she's lovely, go search her she's beautiful:)

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