chapter 11

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Tapping the 'Snooze' button for the 3rd time i pull the warm duvet over my head and attempt to drift back into peaceful sleep. It wasn't happening though, the second yesterdays events entered my mind i was wide awake. Since sleeping was no longer an option i decide to get up and ready for school, after the things he said to me in he's car I'm still not exactly Harry's biggest fan but then after skipping he's lesson he's not mine either and if i want to escape a weeks worth of detention being late is probably not the best start. I go through my usual routine, shower, make up, hair and so on until i'm ready to leave and then head to my car.
climbing out my car i wrap my school blazer tightly round my body, the weather is really starting to show winter is on its way. First period is science, which i guess is a good thing. At least it gets if out the way. Thankfully i'm about 10 minutes early, which is a miracle in it's self, i decide on using the extra time to try and persuade Harry to let me off.

I knock timidly on the classroom door,
"Come in" He's familiar voice calls out, to which i obey and enter. Looking up from the desk he was sat at He looks a little surprised to see me.
"Um, i was wondering if i could talk to you Sir"
"Sir?" He raises an eyebrow at me. Im still pissed at Harry and calling him Sit literally makes me want to vomit but if i'm going to get out of this punishment and more importantly, him telling my Father, then i'll to do a little sucking up.
"Well, i um was thinking about yesterday and w"
"This wouldn't have anything to do with that weeks worth of detentions i promised you would it?" He interrupts.
Unable to think of a decent lie i simply nod and look towards the floor a little embarrassed and frustrated he called me out so quickly.
"Hmmm" Was he's only response, though the smirk on his face showed me he knew he's won. We had both messed up, yet i was the one now at his mercy.
"I'll make you a deal" He stated " The test on Friday. If you pass your off the hook."
"And what if i don't?" I questioned because lets be honest, the chances of me passing a science test are almost non existent.
" Then i still tell your Father, and the detentions become double" He explained. This is so unfair, I'm basically bring punished for being bad at science.
"Oh come on, Please har, Mr.Styles" i correct myself " cant you just let me off just this once?" I whine. A short sharpe "No" was he's response. "Now make your decision" He demanded. I thought hard about this for a minute, at least if i wait till i take the test i'd have more time to convince him to drop it. "I'll try and pass the test" i groaned. Even though its already Thursday so i know theres no chance i will
"Good" He smiled, with a hint of cockiness. " Oh and theres one more condition. From now on i want you to start showing more respect. No more back chat or eye rolling and i could get used to this 'Sir' talk."
He is so arrogant! I immediately roll my eyes, without even thinking. Thankfully the bell rang and a few of the other kids in my class walked in. I took that as my chance to take my seat at my usual desk.Even though my talk with harry didn't go exactly to plan it was a relief to get it out the way, for now.
Sadly My relief was short lived, as Bren came striding through the door. I started to panic, not having a clue what to say to him after yesterday. He took his seat next to me and suddenly i felt he's hand on my leg.
"So, yesterday was fun. We should do it again soon babe" He whispered with he's lips far too close to my ear. I snuck a look over at Harry who was glaring at us. What is that guys problem?
"i i, um" I stuttered, not knowing how to respond.
"Your cute when your nervous" He whispers again this time coming even closer to my face, so that his lips are almost touching my cheek.
Suddenly Harry smashes he's fist down onto the desk, causing everyone to look his way. Harry however appears to be staring in my direction, jaw clenched and eyes angry. He quickly composes himself and begins the lesson. Throughout the whole class Bren continues to touch my leg and edges his chair closer to mine. Im too wrapped up in my thoughts and confused to even try and stop him. I don't know if i even want to stop him. Bren is the hottest most popular guy in school, i should be happy about this. The second the bell rings i make a run for it before Harry, Bren or anyone else can stop me.
Thankfully the rest of the day is mostly stress free, apart from everyone going on about my party tomorrow. The party i didn't even want to have.

After giving Kylie a ride home, and filling her in on my encounter with Bren and my conversation with "Mr.Styles" I don't call him Harry to her, she would only read in to it far too much. I then make my way home dreading my tutoring session tonight, particularly with the mood Harry appeared to be in this morning.
By the time i got home there was about half an hour before my tutoring, i decide to make use of the time and actually attempt some revision for the test. I pull out a text book and my work book and begin making notes.
Before i know it someone coughs behind me, i look round to see Harry.

Harrys P.O.V

All day no matter how hard i tried i couldn't get the images of that awful jumped up Kid's Hands all over Summers leg and his face brushing against hers. I mean, who behaves like that in the middle of a science class!? And worse, she didn't even try to stop him.
The second the bell rang she darted out the class, shortly followed by him. I will have to tell her to stay away from him. Not that she's listen to me, to her I'm just an annoying teacher who's constantly on her case.
i pull up into the drive way of Summers house, it's weird how much time i seem to spend here. After waiting a good 5 minutes at the door with no response, i try my luck and creek it open, maybe no one heard me, this house is huge after all.
Once I'm in the hall and Summer is still nowhere to be found i begin to get agitated. I just gave her a chance at being let off skipping class and now shes playing up again.
Turning into the kitchen I'm shocked but cant help but smile to myself. There was Summer sat surrounded by text books, head down, scribbling revision notes. I clear my throat causing her to whip round.
"Well, this is a surprise" I cant help but smirk. She rolls her eyes, which has always wound me up but i choose to ignore it. I sit down and begin to help her with the work she's already done.

Half an hour into the session and I'm beginning to get annoyed now, Summers phone had been going off non stop. 9 times out of 10 its Bren. When i goes off again i snap and snatch it out her hand, surprise surprise its him again.
"What the hell!?" She moans.
I ignore her and do something i know i shouldn't, i quickly open the message
1 New Message:
'Babe, You there? Cant wait for tomorrow, maybe we can carry on where we left off ;)'
The phone is yanked from my grip by an angry looking Summer.
"You need to stay away from him" i state.
"Excuse me?" she questions raising an eyebrow.
"Bren, I'm telling you to stay away from him. He's trouble."
She shakes her head in disbelief, not that i can blame her i know i sound unreasonable but i don't care.
"Oh my god Har" I cut her off by throwing the text books off the desk. I want her to know I'm serious.
A few seconds of silence pass.
"I better go now" i sigh "But I'm not joking Summer, stay away from him."
With that i i grab my coat and keys off the side and hastily exit before she has a chance to argue.
Once in my car i rethink the text over in my mind and u occurs to me, what the hell did he mean 'Carry on where we left off'? and why would he being seeing her tomorrow? We do have science tomorrow but something tells me thats not whats on he's mind. I slip the key into the ignition shaking my head, theres more to this and i WILL find out whats going go

Heyyy, so i promise things are going to get more interesting from now on, starting with the next chapter!:)
can i get 35 votes, 5 comments and 2 more followers please? THANK YOU xxxxxxx

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