chapter 5

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Summers p.o.v

I sat anxiously on the edge of my bed, my head was spinning and thumping all at the same time, last night was a blur. I remember dancing. I remember someone shouting. I remember throwing up. And i remember passing out in a car. I cringed as i remembered who's car. Mr.Styles. How could i of let that happen? A realization suddenly set in, i was in my pajamas...i passed out wearing my dress. Surely he didn't change my clothes? No, He Wouldn't, would he? I really didn't want to think of that happening but right now i had no other explanation. Looking at the clock it was only 9 am, way too early to be dealing with a hangover, i eased myself back into the covers and shut my eyes blocking out the world. Eventually i drifted off back to sleep.

I awoke suddenly to a slamming door and heavy footsteps "SUMMER" "SUMMER" a hard voice was calling my name, just as i recognized it my bedroom door swung open violently. It was my Dad."What, But i thought you were away till wednesday?" I questioned still drowsy. "So did i, until i got a call from your teacher at 8 this morning" he remarked. My face dropped instantly i knew which teacher. "Telling me he brought my 16 year daughter home unconscious from a club last night!" I screwed my face up in confusion "what, how did HE get your number?" i spoke the word he as though whoever i was talking about was a piece of dirt. Just as i start to change my opinion on him he goes and does this. He knew nothing about my family. How dare he! "Thats not important, whats important is what I'm going to do with you Summer" he barked back at me. I sighed and looked away, staring out my window "I'v got to make some phone calls, don't even think about going anywhere your grounded!" And with that he stormed out. I was so mad i felt like screaming, but there was nothing i could do. My Dads not exactly the sort of person you'd want to get in an argument with he can be quite scary when he wants to be. Besides he'd be off on another business trip before long so i wouldn't be 'grounded' at all. Knowing theres no way id be able to sleep now i heaved myself up from the bed and made my way to my bathroom. I took only a quick shower before scooping my hair into a messy bum and getting dressed in some baggy sweat pants and large comfy hoodyI then creeped half way down the stairs making sure my Dad wasn't round before fully making my way to the kitchen. I just really didn't want to have to deal with another argument right now. Searching the cupboards i found a family sized bag of crisps along with some other snacks and smiled to myself. I grabbed a can of coke from the fridge before making my way back upstairs. For the rest of the day i sat cross legged on my bed munching on crisps and scrolling through tumblr on my laptop. I also texted Kylie all day, Doing anything to take my mind off the worst part of all of this, my annoyingly fit teacher had carried my unconscious to my bed then undressed the hell am i ever supposed to face him again?

*next day*

The final bell rang and i couldn't help feeling a tiny bit smug, i'd managed to avoid Mr.Styles all day despite the fact i had double science on a monday Even though it meant hiding in the toilets for 2 hours i was still relieved. I said a final goodbye to the girls before making my way to my car. Just as i was getting in a saw a figure staring intensely at me from the other side of the car park. For a second i thought it was Mr.Styles but on second thought i decided it couldn't be, if it were he would already be over here shouting in my face. I shook the thought from my mind and drove home.

As i pulled up i noticed an unfamiliar car parked in the drive, a black range rover. And as i came through the front door i heard my dad talking away to someone. I stood quietly at he's office door for a few moments trying to figure out if i recognized the voice "So we have an arrangement then sir?" my dad said "please, call me harry" shit. it was...Mr.Styles! It was at that point i burst through the door, both of them had an expression on shock before it was replaced with anger. "WHAT THE HELLS HE DOING HERE?" i raged "summer parker don't be so rude, and well we have something to tell you" my father replied. i rolled my eyes but shut up so that i could find out. "meet your new personal tutor" he announced while signaling one hand to my teacher. my mouth dropped open, he couldn't be serious could he?
It turns out he was deadly serious. My dad then droned on for 20 minutes about how bad my grades are and how i need to take school more seriously, all apparently the only way to solve this is to hire a teacher that hates me to come to my house as a personal tutor. Starting tomorrow! what the hell am i going to do?

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