Chapter 17

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"Summer" My father beckoned from the front door
I jogged hastily down the stairs to see him hauling his suitcase down the hall.
"Hi Daddy, how was your business trip?" I cautioned, wary that signs of the party may still be lurking, a small spill I'd missed or the odd beer bottle perhaps.
"Oh, um yeah, the usual boring meetings, you wouldn't be interested" He dismissed before making his way further down the hall.
"Well what did you do? something exciting must of happened in New York" I questioned him further in an attempt to keep the focus off my own weekend activities.
"I said nothing. Now just leave it Summer"
A little taken back by his outburst I just looked down at the floor, I'm not exactly an open book myself but lately more than ever my father had no interest in sharing his life with me.
A hand scooped under my chin gently lifting my head "it was really dull, I'm glad to be back with my baby girl. Now now you take this up and dump it in my room and I'll cook us some dinner" He said with a gentle smile while handing me his suitcase.

After hauling the ridiculously heavy bag up two flights of stairs I heaved it onto the bed with all the force I could muster, of course with my luck it slipped off landing on the floor with a thump and spilling some of the content. Huffing in frustration I knelt down and began to gather up the various items, a few shirts, some aftershave , all the usual travel essentials until something else caught my eye. A plane ticket to Miami.
I began to examine it, scrunching my eyes in confusion.
"Summer? What was that noise?"
My fathers voice interrupted my thoughts.
"Er nothing" I called back stuffing the ticket I to my pocket for later inspection and hurting out the room.

Father made a chicken salad and we sat at the table and ate, just the two of us for the first time in weeks. I didn't manage to squeeze out anymore detail about his trip, or much else for that matter but just the mere fact neither of us were on our phones for the 20 minutes we ate for was an improvement. And even better I appeared to have gotten away with the whole party situation.
After placing the empty bowls in the dishwasher and saying an awkward goodnight to my dad, who by now had given up on the 'no phone thing' and was back buried into is blackberry, I headed up to my room to get ready for bed. It was only 9.30 but after such an eventful weekend I was just ready to be back in my own bed. After the usual monotonous night routine, teeth, hair, make up removal, face cleansing and so on I finally climbed into bed and engulfed myself in the heavy duvet. I'd always found my luxury queen size so comforting yet now it felt like something was missing. I found myself thinking how Harry's sheets were softer then mine, and how they smelt ever so faintly of one million. I liked that smell.
After at least an hour of laying there a thought then entered my mind. A really creepy thought but nether the less I peeled back my disappointing cover and leant under my bed retrieving a small holdall and unzipping it. Out of it I pulled a large grey t-shirt with 'university of Cheshire' written on it. A t-shirt that smelt of one million. Burying my face in the material I sniffed up the aroma and sighed in satisfaction before pulling off my current tank top and replacing it with the shirt that reached my mid thigh. It was the t-shirt that Harry had given me when I stayed at his, I planned to give it back next time we had a tutoring session but I couldn't hurt to wear it just once more. Just because it was comfy and I liked the smell...I told myself.
Happy in my new bed ware I slipped back down into the covers and finally drifted to sleep.

"So you're telling me you actually think my science teacher turned up and bailed me out of jail? Wow,you really must have been waisted" I bluffed as Kylie questioned me on the weekends events and why Mr.Styles had showed up at the party as we made our way across the school car park.
She gave me a look of disbelief but shook it off. Never had I been more grateful of Kylie's inability to handle her alcohol. Now all I had to do was hope no one else had seen him.
The majority of the day people were talking about the party, and it's dramatic ending. Even more annoy was all the talk of Bren and Lauren hooking up and how they'd make 'such a cute couple' pass me the sick bucket. By the time last period Came around just didn't want to hear another word about it, given last period was science with the one and only Mr.Styles however, something told me I wasn't going to get my wish.
Sure enough,the second the bell went and I walked into the classroom I felt those familiar green eyes watching me like a hawk, studying my every move as I took my seat next to Bren. The last place I wanted to be sat right now.
"Summer" Bren whispered again just as Harry began the lesson.
"What?" I whisper yelled back showing my exasperation that he was even talking to me.
" about Saturday"
"What about it Bren?" I cut him off before he'd had the chance to continue.
"it meant nothing to me, She means nothing to me, I was drunk"
" And you're telling me this because?"
"Because I don't care about Lauren. I care about you, and I know you care about me too"
The truth was I did care about Bren. But I cared about him because I liked the attention. I cared about him because he was the most popular guy in school. I cared about him because it made more sense then to care about someone else, someone I could never have. But I didn't care about him.
"Don't flatter yourself" I spat back a little louder.
"Don't be like that, it was just one stupid kiss at a party" He pleaded while placing his hand on my thigh under the desk.
"Don't touch me with the same hands you touched that fucking skank with" i fired back while dramatically yanking my leg away.
"ENOUGH" a third voice butted in, only then did I realise exactly how loud our little argument had gotten as I glanced round the room to see the whole class watching the scene unfold and a once again angry Harry stood at the front with his arms folded. Someone really should warn him about how frowning too much will give him terrible wrinkles later on, I contemplated giving the advice right now but decided that wouldn't really help my current situation.
"Summer I want you to move down to the front" He pointed at a chair on the front row directly in front of his desk and next to Katie, the schools biggest nerd.
"No way, I didn't start it, he can move" I said gesturing rudely to Bren next to me.
"MOVE.NOW" He gave me that same scowl as in the police station and the slow authoritative way he spoke told me he meant business. I huffed and marched over to the seat slamming my papers down on the desk and slumping down into the chair as loudly as possible. The way he narrowed his eyes at me but said nothing told me I'd be paying for that later.
"Okay good work everyone, that's it for today" Harry called out as the bell rang. Relieved that today was finally over I stuffed my text book into my bag and attempted to hurry out the classroom. With no such luck of course.
"Umm, back here please miss Parker" Harry beckoned me back with his long finger.
I cried inside dreading what sort of lecture was coming now.
"Before you say anything, it really wasn't my fault, he started it and" I was silenced by that same singular finger being held up just millimetres away from my lips. The rest of his frame only a matter of center meters away, so close in fact I could yet again smell the same one million I had done on his sheets and t-shirt.
"Do you really think I care about that tool Bren?" Harry questioned almost with a hint of amusement. My eyes widened in shock of hearing a teacher call one of his students a tool, then again this was Mr.Styles, not exactly the most conventional teacher.
" I want to talk to you about Saturday"
"Ohh" I filled the silence, suddenly wishing it was about my argument with Bren.
"Does your father know about the party yet?" The word 'yet' stood out in my mind.
"No, are you going to tell him?" I asked
I'm asking the questions here thank you, do you realise how stupid it was?"
I clenched my teeth in annoyance at how he dismissed my own question but not really being in a position to piss him off any further I played along.
"Are you ever going to do anything so stupid again?"
"Are you very sorry"
"Then tell me"
"Tell me how sorry you are" He prompted.
that was one too far. "In your dreams Harry" I turned away and began to walk out when his large hand circled round my wrist and gently yet forcefully tugged me back to being just center meters away from him. The height difference making it so he was looking almost directly down on me.
"I'll ask you again." He spoke calmly. "Tell me exactly how sorry you are for being so irresponsible and how it will never happen again"
My cheeks began to heat up, turning a very subtle shade of red. I'm not exactly used to the whole apology thing.
Harry just stood there staring at me and waiting.
"I'm sorry okay" I blurted out. He tilted he's head and raised an eyebrow, both of us knowing that wouldn't be enough for him. I was acutely aware of the fact he's hand was still loosely holding onto my wrist.
"I'm very sorry for being irresponsible and throwing a party and getting drunk. It will never happen again" I mumbled, looking at the floor instead of Harry.
"Good girl" He nodded in a approval as though I were five, making me want to slap him.
"Now, tell me what you think your punishment should be? If you were my responsibility I'd have already given your ass a good whipping with my belt"
My head darted from the floor to Harry's face which held a solemn expression. Was this another question I was actually supposed to answer?
Just as I was about to make another attempt at storming out a huge grin erupted on Harry's face as he stifled a laugh.
"Very funny" I moaned and slapped him lightly in the chest which only made him laugh harder. I kept a stern face though was secretly relieved he didn't actually expect me to answer.
Once he'd finally stopped chucking to himself he's attention turned back to me "well, I'd like to think you've learnt you're lesson" he spoke through a smug smirk.
" oh yes, consider the lesson learned" I retaliated in as sarcastic tone as I could muster.
"In total seriousness though" All hint of joking now vanished from his voice as he paused and bent down so he's plump lips were almost touching my ear
"If I ever catch you even thinking the words party or alcohol ever again" He whispered slowly "I'll make you very very sorry" He's warm breath could be felt on the inside of my ear "Understand?"
I turned my head to the side to look at him, our faces just inches apart in the empty classroom. I studied the serious expression etched onto his face. The way his eyebrows were slanted downwards and his eyes were ever so slightly narrowed. His lips pushed together and his jawline hard and prominent indicating his teeth were clenched tightly together inside his mouth. Altogether he looked, well. Beautiful.
"Yes" I responded though barely audibly
I could feel my heart beating in my chest, and was sure I could almost hear it. After a moment or two of neither of us moving I pulled backwards increasing the distance between us back to a safer level.
"Um, you can go now" Harry spoke just as quietly and unsurely as I had done moments previously. I merely nodded and hurried towards the door.
Harry's composure returned as he called out after me as I reached the exit "And Summer, I'll see you tonight for tutoring"


I'm so sorry for the long wait but exams are over now so I'll be updating again! Anyway hope you enjoyed this realllly long chapter! Vote comment ect. Ect.
Thanks to the people who were so patient about me not updating :)xxxxxx

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