chapter 3

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summers pov

mr.Styles laughs as that small smirk plays on his lips, he ruffles he's curly hair seductivly. My eyes trail down to he's large hands that are slowly working their way down his crisp white shirt buttons to reveal he's toned muscular chest. He looks up at me and smiles.

I woke up suddenly and breathing heavily, i touched my perspiring forehead with the back of my hand. How could i let this happen again? For weeks now, ever since my detention with him iv not been able to get him out my head, even when I'm asleep he finds a way to get into my dreams. Its not even as though i like him, yes he is attractive but he's the most infuriating man iv ever met! one minute he's laughing with you and you can forget he's even a teacher the next he can be shouting in your face. He has the sexiest face when he shouts, the way it turns all serious. No Summer Stop! i quickly shook the thought out of my mind glancing at my clock, 5.30 am. i sighed and closed my eyes again In an attempt to fall back to sleep for a few hours before meeting Kylie to go shopping. Then later we had arranged to go to the opening of a new club in town Bren would be there too.

My eyelids slowly fluttered open again at 10, i stretched out happily as the morning sun shone through my curtains leaving streams of light across the bed sheets. i sat up rubbing my eyes then headed for the shower. i did all the usual, and blow dryed my long hair not bothering to straighten it, instead i tied it into a messy bun and applied my usual make up. i then picked out a cute pair of denim shorts along with a black tank top and an oversized gold necklace before making my way through the big empty house to meet Kylie.

We trailed the mall for hours trying to find the perfect outfit for tonight. Both trying on countless numbers of dresses. i settled on a small black backless dress that tied behind your neck. Kylie going for a navy blue dress that was tight at the top and flared out into a skirt shape at the bottom. "thats it Kylie, i really cant shop anymore" i moaned "ok ok, just let me pay for these shoes and we can go" i sighed and followed her to the till. " so, i hear Bren is coming tonight" she squealed in excitement "i just know you two are gonna hook up, everyone thinks so!" i couldn't help smiling at that part, i did like him and it would make sense, we'r both among the most popular kids in school. once Kylie had payed for the shoes we decided to head back to mine to get ready for tonight.

We were meeting the rest of the group at 10 outside the club which gave us 3 hours to get ready. i let my hair out of its messy bun and began to straighten it, i then curled various sections and smothered it in hairspray while Kylie began to do her make up. We chatted about pretty much everything even school, during which times i tryed desperately not to give anything away about my strange feelings towards me.Styles. Particularly as i didn't know what those feelings were. most of the time i hated him for god sake.

Two and a half hours later to were ready to go. "just let me grab my purse" i called out after Kylie who was climbing into her car. i threw my purse, keys, phone, lip stick and fake i.d into my clutch bag and headed out.

I couldn't help feeling a little nervous as we made our way though the crowds outside the club, yes, id drunk and gone to parties before but this was my first proper club. "i cant see them anywhere" i said, referring to the rest of our friends. "me neither, maybe we should just go on in without them?" i gave her an unsure look "oh come on, live a little" Kylie mocked. i rolled my eyes as i was dragged to the entrance. My heart pounded as the bouncer at the door checked my i.d. He was a tall fat man with a bald head and fierce face, not the sort if man you'd want to get angry. Thankfully he handed back the fake i.d and let us in " i really thought we were in for it then" Kylie laughed as we made our way to the bar. i was still a little nervous but that feeling began to be replaced by exited as i downed my first shot of the night.

Before long i had forgotten about the others and was dancing madly, i felt a little tipsy but not drunk. Kylie handed me another drink, which i took no thought in gulping down before going back to dancing. I noticed a guy make his way through the crowd towards me, he was good looking with a sort of styled afro (guy played my mazzi maz) Soon enough we were dancing to die young by Kesha. "summer, summer" Kylie tugged on my shoulder "what" i half slurred " i need to go, my dad has rung 6 times and he wants me home!, i think you should come too" she tried to persuade me to leave but after 5 minutes gave up and went off in a huff. i continued to dance with the stranger, i felt his hands slide down my back and rest on my bum as he pulled me in closer. "lets get another drink baby" he whispered in my ear and we made our way to the bar, me stumbling slightly from the effects of alcohol. He still had one arm wrapped around my back and on my bum as i tripped suddenly and fell into to the back of someone at the bar. i felt my cheeks turn red as my new mystery man chuckled at me. i straightened myself out just as whoever i had fallen into turned around, and there in that moment i got the biggest shock of my life. Right in front of me stood mr.Styles. He's face dropped into pure anger as he caught sight of me.

Note: ok so this isnt edited so sorry if its awful:/ Also can we please try and get 10 votes on this chapter for the next one to be uploaded? Thankyou:)

Extra note: Iv already written the next chapter, i was in the writing mood and did it almost straight after this so ill publish it as soon as this reaches 10 votes :)

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