chapter 8

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Summers p.o.v

Knowing Harry was on the other side of the door, the last thing i wanted to do was open it, i had no choice though. Not being able to delay it any longer i stepped out into the icy wind. Surprisingly i wasn't met with harry yelling in my face, instead he was at the other end of the drive way leaning casually against that Range rover i'v become far to familiar with. Without even turning to face me he lifted a hand and beckoned me over to him using only one finger. The temptation to run was strong but knowing there was no point in even trying reluctantly i followed his order and walked towards him.
"Get in" was all he said, still without looking at me
"i, i cant, what about my car?" Really i knew leaving it here wouldn't matter, as i only live five minutes away and Kylie is more like family to me but anything was worth a shot to get out of the humiliation of riding alone with harry.
"Now" The harshness in he's tone made me shudder yet i still didn't move. Sighing heavily he swiftly pulled open the passenger door and grabbed a hold of my wrist, almost shoving me in. He slammed closed the door, clearly aggravated and made his was round to the drivers door before climbing in and starting up the engine. Neither of us saying a word until harry broke the silence
"Dont EVER run off like that again please!" He's voice was strained, and he's eyes glued to the road.
"And who are you, my father?" i replied sarcastically without even thinking, i wish i hadn't. Harry's reaction scared me. He's hands gripped the steering wheel even tighter and he's eyes eyes finally ripped away from the road and bored into me.
"Don't fuck about with me Summer, not after" He stopped himself before saying anything else but we both knew what he meant.He's tone was dry, as though he'd had enough and hearing harry swear was defiantly unusual, even in all the times i'd deliberately wound him up in class he never got this angry. I bit down on the side of my cheek in an attempt to hold back a tear, mostly out of embarrassment.
Another few minutes passed before i plucked up the courage to ask the one thing that had been on my mind all night "Your not going to um, tell anyone are you?" With that i heard what almost sounded like a laugh from Harry.
"What the hell could possibly be funny about any of this" He stopped at the traffic light and turned to me once more
"And why shouldn't i tell anyone ahy? why not tell the headmaster? or better yet, your father?" He's anger was now masked by a smirk, but i know it was still there.
"please, you you cant!"
He just shook he's head and pressed down on the accelerator as the lights went green.
My heart began racing faster than ever as my house came into view and my Fathers Porsche sat in the drive. He is supposed to be working late tonight. What if harry has already told him?
I climb out and can feel my legs shaking as Harry basically escorts me to the door and keeps a steady hand on the top of my arm as we walk in, probably incase i try to run again.
"Summer, us that you? Where have you been?" My dads voice calls a few seconds before he comes into view.
"I I, well, please, I'm sorry" i stammer before i'm interrupted.
"I took Summer out for pizza, since she did so well with studying tonight." Harrys voice said. what, why is he lying for me after just threatening to tell my dad?
"oh, that's great" A huge smile erupted on he's face and u try to pull a convincing 'happy' face when all i really am is confused. With that my father leaves the room and heads back into he's office.
"Thanks " is all i can think to say
"C'mon, you know i wouldn't tell, rumours about me and a pupil are the last thing i need" He half joked, i was relieved but something in me sank when he called me just 'a pupil' I tell myself it's just because i don't like being treated like a child.
"Besides, i can hardly blame you. I am gorgeous after all" He added with a smirk. I cant help but smile just a tiny bit.
Harry pulled something out of he's pocket, i soon realised it was my phone.
"here" I stretched out my hand and he dropped the iPhone into it before leaving without another word.

After a few minutes of standing there trying to make sense of everything that happened tonight i'm pulled from my thoughts by my Dad walking back up the hall. He wasn't dressed in he's usual business suits though, instead he had on jeans and a shirt, what?
"Ah summer, i'm going out for the evening so be good and I'll see you tomorrow"
"Wait, where?"
"Just dinner, really its not important" And with that he was out the door. Could this evening get any weirder?

I dragged myself up the stairs and into my room before collapsing on the bed. After a good half hour of just laying there doing nothing i realized how Hungry i was, and harry's earlier mention of pizza gave me a huge craving for it. I picked my phone out my pocket, no new texts. I ordered a large hawaiian pizza and fries. Well, one night off from dieting wont matter, i'll make up for it tomorrow. While waiting a took a quick shower and changed into sweats and a comfy baggy shirt. I then spent the rest of the night stuffing my face with delicious pizza, something iv not had in months! and watching reruns of Dexter until eventually falling to sleep at somewhere close to one o'clock.

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