chapter 10 part 2

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Harrys P.o.v

Finally the bell for last class of the day rang, Summers class. Would she still be pissed at me for earlier? Of course, theres no way she'd let me off the hook that easy. More and more students began filing into the room yet still no Summer. As everyone took there seats i notice the guy that sits next to her, Bren i think his name is, is missing too. He's always hanging around her and i swear to god if she's skipping my lesson with him i'll kill them both.
I suddenly realise iv been sat daydreaming about where summer might be for 5 minutes while a whole class of kids are sat staring at me waiting for the lesson to start. I begin absentmindedly teaching the class all the while thinking about what to do about Summer. Theres no way i can let her get away with this, despite the fact i know its probably my fault. After the things i said to her earlier in the car she cant really be blamed for not wanting to come to my lesson. Still, skipping school is serious and she needs to know it's unacceptable.

"Okay guys thats it for today, don't forget to study for the test on friday. Its an important one!" I dismiss the class once the final bell goes and head as quickly as possible to my car, by now iv decided exactly how to handle Summer.
After what seems to be the slowest journey ever i eventually pull into the Parkers large drive way and make my way to the door before knocking somewhat impatiently. I put on a calm face as Summers father opens the front door.
"Ahh, Mr.Styles, How are you? Im afraid Summer isn't home from School yet but she shouldn't be long, do come in and wait" He greets.
Once inside we exchange a little small talk about the football out of politeness, as it turns out we both support the same team and before i know it i'm engaged in a deep conversation about our chances of winning this season. In fact i had almost forgotten my reason for being here when the front door flys open to reveal Summer. The look on her face when she saw me was priceless, if i wasn't so annoyed and confused about everything thats happened today i would find it amusing.
"What are you doing here!?" She blurts out which gains her a disapproving look from her father
"Hey don't be rude, i thought you were passed the attitude with Mr.Styles. And he's clearly here for your tutoring session" He snaps back at her before regaining composure.
"Anyway, i'll leave the two of you to it. I'v got to go out"
"What, where?" Summer questions with a panicked expression.
"A um, a just a boring business meeting" He replies and hurries towards the door,making a hasty exit. Strange, he was dressed in casual clothes and didn't have a briefcase or anything with him. But whatever, iv more important things to think of right now, like he's out of control daughter for one.
Neither of us say anything for a moment until i break the silence.
"And where exactly were you today?" Oh god, i really do sound like a forty year old. Not that i care at the moment, I'm pissed at her.
"I flew to the moon Harry" She states in that annoying sarcastic voice she puts on.
"That attitude isn't going to do you any favors, Skipping school is serious you know? Your in a lot of trouble!"
"For fuck sake Harry, why do you even care? Im just the spoiled brat remember?" That instantly sends a pang of guilt through me, she's clearly still upset about this morning. Summer turns away and begins to walk off down the hall and to the stairs i assume. I follow her and take ahold of her small shoulder spinning her back round to face me. Looking directly into her eyes i attempt be serious for moment and have a conversation with her that doesn't involve shouting.
"Listen to me Summer. I am sorry for what i said earlier" i say every word slowly to try and get my point across. "I didn't mean any of it and i was out of order. However, i stand by that what you showed up wearing was unacceptable and i don't expect to see that again. As is skipping school, which i most defiantly do not expect you to be doing ever again because next time there will be serious repercussions. Am i understood?"
As I'm talking her eyes are soft and she appears to actually be taking in what i am saying. That soon disappears though as she shakes my hand off her shoulder and folds her arms over her chest scowling at me.
"Fine, have it your way. You'v got a weeks detention for skipping class and i will be talking to you father about it too." I remark in as colder tone as i can muster. When she still doesn't reply i decide it's probably time i leave, i think iv given her enough to think about for now.

Summers p.o.v

"Fine, have it your way. You'v got a weeks detention for skipping class and i will be talking to your father about it too" Harry stated harshly. How can he go from apologizing in one sentence to basically threatening me with my own father in the next? I stand there contemplating what to do. The easy option is just to say yes and sorry to Harry and save myself a weeks worth of detention as well as a load of trouble from my Dad. But its not that easy, i don't want Harry thinking he's won. Plus I'm still so mad and upset about this morning. Im snapped from my internal debate when i hear the door slam, He's gone. Shit.

I sigh and dump my bag at the bottom of the stairs, then make my way to my room changing out of my awful uniform and into some comfy sweats and a baggy jumper with cute hearts all over it. i wipe off my make up and tie my hair into a messy bun on the top of my head and sit cross legged on my bed. I decide to call Kylie.
She answers on the first ring and immediately wants to know where i was at school today and why my car is now gone from her drive.
I explain all about how i got sent to the principle and running into Bren. Leaving out all the parts about Harry.
" After we left school we decided to go to the mall, we wandered round for a bit, got burgers from the food court then he drove me to my car at your place. Oh and we kissed again before i left" I skim through the main details of my day while she freaks out about me kissing him.
"Calm down Kylie. really, its not a big deal" I say trying to convince myself more than her. For some weird reason i feel guilty every time i think about it.
"Not a big deal!? How can even say that? Your going to make the cutest couple EVER" She squeals down the phone.
"Look, iv got to go" I say before hanging up. She's really not helping my mood right now.
I fall back on my bed. So much has happened in the last 24 hours. Kissing Harry.Kissing Bren. being dragged home by Harry, twice. Breaking down in tears over Harry. Being sent to the principles office. Not to mention fighting with harry what seems like a million times. I really don't want to think about any of it anymore tonight. Instead i turn my TV on and switch it to Teen mom, attempting to push everything else out of my mind.

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