32 - Ruby Slippers

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At the Underworld's Swan loft, they had brought Ruby back there but she was still unconscious, they laid her down on the bed and Faye was healing her with her magic, "Is she okay?" Mary Margaret asked.

"Why is she down here?" David asked.

"She's not..." Henry said.

"No, she's still breathing and yes, she's okay... Just knocked out," Faye said as she stopped using her magic.

"Well, how long do you think she'll be out?" Mary Margaret asked.

"I don't know, a few more minutes give or take," Faye said as she stood up.

"What's the possibility?" Neal asked.

"Take... We hit her with some strong stuff," Faye said.

"Whoops," Katy said.

"We didn't kill her, so that's a bonus," Faye said with a shrug.

"Priscilla!" Mary Margaret said.

"What? I said we didn't and we didn't plan to. Get off the high horse," Faye said.

David pulled his wife closer to him and kept his arm around her waist, "Where has she been since she left Storybrooke?" David asked.

"I don't know. She went to find her pack," Faye said.

"Unless they're dead, I'd say she's sniffing in the wrong place," Regina said.

"Any explanation for what she's doing here?" Ne asked.

"Just this," Emma said as she pulled out a piece of fabric from Ruby's cloak.

Adam walked in and Elsie looked at him, "Where have you been?" Elsie asked.

Adam walked over to her, "With Calliope," Adam said.

"She okay?" Katy asked and Adam shrugged.

At the pawnshop, Callie was in the backroom looking through Her Handsome Hero as Mr Gold walked up to her and placed his hands on her shoulders, "Stop torturing yourself, Callie," Mr Gold said.

Callie sighed putting the book down and placing her hand over one of his, "I gave Gaston this book to teach him that a true hero needs to show his enemy compassion. Right? But at the moment that I could've shown him mercy, well, I sent him to a fare worse than death," Callie said.

"Callie, you were trying to protect our child and you didn't know your magic would be back," Mr Gold said.

"Yeah, and you know, if Hades had actually destroyed the contract, then maybe I could live with what I did. But he found a loophole, and I darkened my soul, Rumpel, just to save you," Callie said as she stood up and looked at him.

"And now we can free our child from Hades's grasp together," Mr Gold said.

"No, I need to make this right on my own. If I leave it up to you, you'll just make me do something else I'll regret," Callie said and walked out of the shop.

At the Swan's loft, Ruby had finally woken up and they were telling her where she was, "The Underworld? I don't understand. I used a tracking spell so the cyclone would bring me to Zelena," Ruby said.

"Ruby, she's down here, too," Elaine said.

"Wait, love, you came down here looking for Zelena?" Killian asked.

Regina sighed, "Why am I not surprised? What did my sister do now?" Regina said.

"It's my friend Dorothy. Zelena wanted her magic slippers so that she could get back to her baby," Ruby said.

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