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Author's Note- This chapter takes place in 2016, one year after the events of the first Ant-Man movie and two years before the Snap. This chapter is going to cover how Scott was put on house arrest when Germany hadn't happened yet, and why Janet isn't in this story. Okay, let's get on with the show!

Scott and Hope had been dating for about five months. Hank knew about them and wasn't too happy about it, but he didn't interfere.

One day, they were talking in the upstairs hallway, when Hank called Hope into the other room.

As soon as she was out of earshot, a masked man pulled Scott into another room. He said that Scott was going to take the blame for something, or else there would be consequences. Scott asked what the consequences would be so that he could weigh his options. The man said that if he told anyone about this, Cassie and Hope would be killed. Scott agreed to the man's terms to protect them.

The next day, Hope received a letter from Scott saying he couldn't see her anymore. On the back, he left a coded message saying the charges that were about to be brought up against him were false and that he was being framed and blackmailed. And that if their relationship continued, she would be in danger. After she had read Scott's letter, she threw it out, not wanting to be reminded why he sent it. But what she didn't know was that Hank kept the letter. He knew how much it had affected her, and he wasn't about to let Scott off the hook for abandoning her.

She was heartbroken, but she understood why he did it. He was put on house arrest for eighteen months. And that was eighteen months that she couldn't see him. Until the phone call.

(I'm not gonna write out all the events of Ant-Man and The Wasp, just know that they happen, well, minus all the Civil War stuff.)

Sadly, they didn't succeed in bringing Janet back. But Ava succeeded in taking Janet's quantum energy. Scott wasn't able to stop her in time.

It was either save Hope from being hit with the quantum vessel or unplug Ava's energy chamber.

He chose to save Hope.

When Hank returned, he was accompanied by Janet. She didn't have much time.

After being reunited with Hope, and saying her final goodbyes, she started to glow, and in a flash of light, she disappeared.

Ava got away. Hank blamed Scott for letting Ava complete her plan, but Hope defended him.

After that, Scott was released from house arrest, and he and Hope continued their relationship.

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