i promise

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TW: self harm and scars.

Nate's POV:

I break away from Natalie and wipe her tears away.
"I promise I won't hurt you." Natalie stares into my eyes then tries to stand up but struggles. I grab her to try to catch her balance but fail leading me to fall on my bed with Natalie. I'm on top of Natalie now staring at her face. She's so beautiful.
Natalie starts giggling as there is still tears on her face. Then she puts her hand on my face.
"Nate... what are we going to do?"
"I don't know but I will fix it." I smile as tears roll down Natalie's face more. I kiss her. Natalie kisses back and we start making out. Then a sudden knock at my door...
Natalie and I jump up from my bed. Natalie sits up on my bed and walk over to open it. It's Aaron.
"Oh shit, is that Natalie?" Aaron walks in.
"Hey Aaron..." Natalie waves as she struggles to get that sentence out.
"Is she...?" Aaron looks at me and I nod.
"Mario says hi Aaron." She smiles at Aaron.
"Shit, tell him I said what's up. It's been along time." Aaron laughs.
"Okay Aaron, go." I push Aaron out of the room.
"I should probably get going... it's late..." Natalie gets up as she's stumbling.
"I'll walk you home." I grab her hand and I lead the way downstairs then leave the house with Natalie.
I zone out then I remember how Natalie and I met...


I was only 12 years old.
Natalie's family came over one day to the house for dinner.
"Hey Mr. and Mrs.Garcia. Come on in." Dad opened the doors as Mom, Aaron, and I were behind him.
Natalie's parents walk in holding Natalie's hand while Natalie's brothers and sister, Danny, Mario, and Selena walk in. Dad and Natalie's dad shake hands.
"This is Marsha, Nate, and Aaron." Dad points at us one at a time.
"This is my wife Maria." Natalie's dad, Raul says as he has a heavy accent. Mom shakes Maria's hand.  "Then Danny who is the oldest, Mario, Selena, then Natalie who is the youngest." Raul smiles.
"Ah these are your boys who wrestle... those were the days when I was in wrestling." Dad laughs.
"Well dinner is almost ready so Aaron why don't you hang out with Selena, Mario, and Danny? And Nate spend time with Natalie." Mom smiles at me.
Aaron, Selena, Mario, and Danny go to the living room and start talking. Mom, dad, Raul and Maria head to the kitchen. I look at Natalie.
"Let's go to my room." I smile
We run up to my room and I show Natalie around.
"What's this?" Natalie touches my gym equipment and looks over at me.
"This is what makes you get muscles." I lay on my back on my bench press and start lifting.
"Wow that's so cool." Natalie looks at me with fasciation. She watches.
"Yeah." I put the weights back and stand up.
"What do you do?" I look at Natalie.
"I use to sing and dance." Natalie looks down.
"Cool. Can you show me something?"
Natalie's face turns red.
"I'm not that good..." She looks down.
"It's okay. I want to see." I smile.
"Okay fine..." Natalie starts dancing and does a bunch of turns and spins.
"Cool." I blush.
"Kids, dinner is ready!" Mom yells for us to come downstairs.

Suddenly, I snap out of it.
"Nate!" Natalie looks at me.
"What happened?" Still holding onto her hand.
"You were staring off and I was calling your name... we are here." She points at her house.
"Right... Sorry." I run my hand through my hair. We walk to the door.
"C-Can you stay?" Natalie looks down and blushes.
"Like the night?" I look away.
"Yeah..." Natalie smiles.
"Yeah, sure." Natalie opens the door and we walk in. Natalie walks over to the couch as there someone's laying on the couch. She grabs a blanket and covers him. I look over and a flashback of Mario's face hits me.
"Isn't that your brother Mario?" I look at her confused.
"Yeah..." she looks away. I could tell she didn't want to talk about it yet. Then Natalie grabs my hand and leads me upstairs to her bedroom.

Natalie's POV:

I took Nate to my room after putting a blanket over Mario. I really didn't want to get into it with Nate about Mario's well-being.

Nate sits on my bed. I go to my closet to pick out a t-shirt and shorts.

After the conversation at Nate's house, everything was a blur to me. My face was still red and I still struggled get my words out.

I start taking my shirt off in front of Nate.
"Oh god, Nat!" Nate turns away.
"W-What? I'm just changing." I slur my sentence.
"At least give me a warning next time..." his face turns red.
"W-Whatever." I turn around so Nate doesn't have to look at me. I start taking off my skirt where I'm now just in my thong and bra. Nate gets a good glimpse at my body and bites his lips. I put on my shirt and shorts then turn around. I walk over to my bed and Nate stares heavily at my body, specially at my arms and thighs.

We didn't say much.

"Can I take off my shirt and pants?" He muttered.
"Go for it." I giggle and lay down in my bed. Nate takes off his shirt and pants leaving him in his boxes then lays down next to me. I turn on my side. Out of nowhere, tears start rolling down my face.
"N-Nate." I sniffed.
"Yeah...?" He rolls on his side facing my back.
"C-Can you hold me?" I wipe my face. Nate didn't answer why or what was wrong.
"Of course..." He smiles and wraps his arms around me. I bursted into more tears. Nate pets my head and rests his head onto my neck. Then kisses my cheek. Eventually I fell asleep and then Nate.

The next morning, Nate wakes me up.
"Natalie, wake up." He shakes me.
"God, I feel like ass. Wait... why the fuck are you here Nate." I sit up and look at Nate.
"You asked me to spend the night with you." He smiles.

Then it clicked. The Jack Daniels. What the fuck did I do?

"Did I do anything stupid?" I groan and rubbed my face.
"No... you cried a lot though." He muttered. "You were upset about the Maddy situation and wanting to be with me, then you seemed fine but when we got here you cried again. I don't know why."

Now, this was a usual reaction I had to alcohol. I'm a lightweight. When I'm under the influence I get sad and shit.

"Fuck..." I get out of bed then I realized Nate could see my scars. Then I had a flashback of changing in front of Nate.
"Oh my god, I changed in front of you and you saw my body!" I burry my face in my hands and I turn red.
"Hey, look. You're beautiful." He hugs me.
"Did we do anything... like bad...?" I muttered.
"No, we kissed a lot and I held you until you fell asleep." He pats my head.

To be honest, I really liked hearing that.

"Well I'm going to get ready for school. You can hang out here if you want. Help yourself to whatever." I break away and I smile.
"Thanks." Nate smiles back. He walks over to my desk and sits down on my chair. He goes on his phone.

I went to the bathroom to brush my teeth, wash my face, and put on makeup. Then I went to my closet and picked out an outfit.

Now I knew I could change in the bathroom or make Nate look away, but he already saw my body. I also kinda wanted to make a move.

I take off my clothes and look over at Nate. Nate looks up at me and puts his phone on my desk. He bites his lips. I blush and slowly walk over to Nate...

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