she doesn't break promises

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Nate's POV:

It's been a week since I found out that Natalie is pregnant. I haven't talked to Natalie nor seen her. She hasn't come to school. Of course the news spread around school like wildfire but luckily no one knows that I'm apparently the father. Mrs.Howard called my parents explaining the situation. Mom and dad have been bugging me everyday about Natalie. It didn't even matter because she is dead to me. She already made up her own mind about keeping the baby. Natalie was just ruining my life.

I arrive at school and make my way to Maddy's locker.
"Hi baby" Maddy waves and grins at me. I smile and give her a kiss. Then it turns into a make out session. As I'm making out with Maddy, I stare at Lexi who is giving a death stare from her locker. Maddy pulls away and I laugh to myself.

"Take me to class?" Maddy grabs my hand and I nod. She slams her locker and we start heading to class. As we are passing by the school's office, I see Mario. I stop.
"I forgot, I have to see my counselor about something." I look at Maddy.
"Oh okay, yeah sure. See you at lunch then." Maddy gives me a kiss and then walks off. I head into the office and walk up to Mario who was talking to one of the ladies.

Surprisingly, he didn't look like a mess. He was well dressed and physically looked fine.

"Hey Mario..." I look down, not knowing what to expect. He looks at me and makes a face.
"Sup Nate?"
"How's Natalie? I haven't seen her at school."
"I'm surprised you are asking after that all the shit you said." There was a moment of silence. Mario felt a bit bad for what he said.
"She's okay. You know, sad and shit. But she's still taking all her medications and prenatal. I'm making sure she's taking care of herself and the baby..." Mario gives a weak smile. I know he only told me this to make up for what he had just said.

Now as much as I keep saying she's dead to me or that I want nothing to do with her, it's far from the truth. I tried so hard to stop thinking about Natalie. I didn't stop caring for her. It's impossible because I actually love her. I miss her so much. She made me feel good about myself. Her laugh and smile is so contagious. I just don't accept that she's pregnant by me. That's what I don't want anything to do with. I would constantly check my phone to see if she texted or called but nothing. It bothers me so much.

"That's good to hear." I nod my head.
"You are probably wondering why I'm here right? I'm just getting assignments from Naty's classes. She still keeps up with her classes." Mario smiles.
"I'm happy for her." I smile back.
"Mr.Garcia, here's the assignments for Natalie's classes." The lady hands Mario a folder.
"Well, it was nice seeing you Nate. I have to get back home." Mario turns around starts heading to the doors.
"Um... actually, Natalie promised me she would come to my football game tonight. You know before the whole thing happened..." I blurted out. Mario turns around.
"I won't tell her to go or not, that's up to her. But one thing about Natalie is, she doesn't break her promises..." He turns back around and leaves.
I stand there for a minute then my eyes shoot at the time making me realize that I'm late. I start heading to class.

Skip to lunch.

I was sitting with the guys from the football team and Maddy. I put my arm around Maddy as she was doing some online shopping on her phone
"Do you think this would look hot on me?" She shows me a picture of a red dress on her phone.
"Yes Maddy it would." I give her a kiss on her head.
I hear some of the guys from the football team talking about a girl.
"Yo I'm telling you, she got some big titties and a fat ass!" Josh says to everyone and they start laughing.
"Dude I don't care if she's gonna have a baby, I'm tryna hit!" Alex smiles and laugh. Maddy scoffs.
"Who are you guys talking about?" I join in on the conversation. Maddy glares at me.
"Who do you think we are talking about? We're talking about the only girl who is pregnant in this school, Natalie!" The guys start laughing.
"She's a whore." Maddy grins and puts some lipgloss on.
"I mean she must have been passed around if she got herself knocked up!" The guys start laughing. My heart starts racing and my face starts feeling hot.
"Shut the fuck up!" I shout in anger. The room gets quiet and everyone is looking at me. I get up and walk away. Maddy doesn't bother going after me instead McKay follows me. I walk into the guys bathroom and I punch a stall door.
"Nate!" McKay shouts as he grabs me by the shoulder. I start breathing rapidly.
"Yo Nate, what is going on? If the guys were talking about Cassie or any other girl like that, you would have joined in and been laughing your ass off. But by your reaction, I'm assuming you got something to do with this..." McKay stares at me.
"Yes I got her pregnant!" I shout as McKay holds me back so I don't destroy anything.
"And she's thinking of keeping it, right?" McKay waits for an answer.
"I don't even want to talk about it..." I try to calm myself down. McKay backs off. McKay doesn't say anything.
"Let's go..." I start walking out and McKay follows. We walk in silence. We make our way back to lunch and Maddy looks at me emotionless. The other guys avoid me and I clear my throat.
"I love you..." I kiss Maddy's cheek as she scrolls through her phone.
"I love you too." Maddy says back as she gives a weak smile. The rest of lunch was awkward. McKay starts talking to me about tonight's game. I couldn't stop thinking about whether or not Natalie would come. I miss her so much...

A/N: hi guys!! So sorry, I went MIA! I'm going to be posting once a week, I promise. I'll keep you guys updated and posted as college does kick my ass. 😭 there's gonna be a lot of drama coming soon! Leave any ideas of what you guys want to see happen!

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