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Val, Scott, and Clint had been living at your place for almost two days, when you woke up to Val standing at the foot of your bed.

"Aaah!" You exclaimed, jumping slightly.

"Clint's room is bigger than mine," Val complained. You got out of bed, quickly tripping as Val continued, "I have more clothes, I should have the bigger room."

You let out a groan as you picked yourself up off the floor and headed out of your room. Only to be met with Clint as well.

"I got here first," Clint stated.

"It's Y/N's house, she should decide," Val said. You continued down the hall, heading downstairs to the kitchen.

"My room is like, two inches bigger than yours!"

"You have a bigger closet!"

"So? Why is everything always a competition? I think that you can put your clothes somewhere else!"

"Everywhere else is filled with Y/N's parent's boxes."

"Y/N? What are you going to do with all this stuff anyway?" You entered the kitchen to see that Scott had made breakfast. "Because maybe we can put some of the boxes in storage."

"Or we could unpack a few things," Scott suggested, handing you a plate of food and a cup of coffee. "Make this place a little more homey. Maybe some throw pillows and lamps, a few paintings."

"Oh, paintings would be nice."

"A quiet morning before work would be nice," you muttered into your coffee, having sat down at the table.

"Yeah!" Val agreed with Clint and Scott. "You have all this amazing stuff just packed away. In the back hall, I found this box with like a hundred tapes of someone performing these amazing medical procedures."

"Really?" Scott questioned. "We should watch them. Y/N, do you want to-" You got up from the table, quickly leaving with your coffee in hand. "Wait, where are you going?" Your roomies followed you.

"Y/N," Clint called. "We're just trying to help. We could unpack for you."

"Yeah," Val added. "You wouldn't have to do-" You slammed your bedroom door in their faces.

"Y/N?" Clint whispered. "Do you want some privacy?"

You sighed as you slumped against the door. You were beginning to regret this whole roommate thing.


When you interns arrived at the hospital later that morning, you were immediately told to head to the pit (the ER). You were all helping each other suit up (gowns, gloves, etc.) while you talked.

"Fools on bikes killing themselves," Gamora grumbled. "Natural selection is what it is."

"So what's up with Gamora?" Peter questioned quietly. "Is she off her meds?"

"You've never heard of the race?" Clint asked. Peter shook his head. "Every year this bar-"

"-The HYDRA Bar-" you cut in.

"Yeah. Every year, they hold this underground bike race."

"The race is completely illegal," Scott added. "And-"

"Crazy," you interrupted. "A bunch of bike messengers racing against traffic trying to beat each other for free shots of tequila."

"All-out, no holds barred competition," Peter said, "sounds like fun."

"Yeah," Val scoffed. "You would think that."

"The race doesn't even have any rules," Clint added. "Except eye gouging-no eye gouging."

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