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"I actually said, 'Pick Me,' Right?" You said, eyes furrowed as you sat at the bar. "I did? 'Pick me'?" You took another shot.

"I think it's romantic," Happy commented as he filled another shot for you.

"It's not romantic, Hap, it's horrifying. Horror movie horrifying. Carrie at the prom with the pig's blood horrifying."

"Okay, fine, it's horrifying. But Carrie took out an entire senior class as revenge. Gotta say, I like that in a girl."

You sighed, bringing your head down to the bar. "I said 'Pick me'..."

Over on the other side of the bar, Tony, Pepper, Val, Clint, Scott, and Natasha were all together. They all were trying to mind their own business, but were failing. Instead opting to watch you like you were some animal on display at the zoo.

"When you tell someone 'I'll meet you later at a bar tonight,', how long exactly does that mean you're supposed to wait?" Natasha asked.

"Do you think he's really not coming?" Clint asked.

"He has to," Tony responded, taking a swig of his drink. "Or I'll kill him."

"Tony!" Pepper scolded.

"Alright, alright. I'll hire someone else to kill him."

"This is getting a little hard to watch," Scott added.

"It was hard to watch an hour ago," Val replied. "Now it's just pathetic."

"Who's pathetic?" You questioned, overhearing them. They all looked guilty. "You, who pretend to be my friends are calling me pathetic behind my back in front of my face." Your words were slightly slurred do to the alcohol. "Why don't you just dump the pig's blood on me now and get it over with?"

The door bell jingles and someone walked into the bar. Your head had snapped around to look, deflating men further when you saw it wasn't Steve.

"He's really not coming," you said to yourself, trying not to tear up.

Suddenly, all the pagers in the bar went off. Including yours.

"Happy, turn up the TV!" Nurse Coulson requested.

Happy quickly did so as everyone either looked at their pager or the tv screen.

"A massive train wreck occurred just outside of Manhattan, just minutes ago," the tv reporter informed.

"It's a 911," Tony stated, getting up. "We've got to go."

"We just worked a 30 hour shift," Val complained, getting up as well.

"I own't have any clean underwear," Scott muttered.

"The city-bound train was carrying over 300 passengers," the reporter continued. "Paramedics are on scene helping victims."

"Looks ugly," Happy commented before turning to see you getting ready to leave. "Wait, you're leaving? No, no, no, you can't leave."

"Sorry, gotta go tend to someone else's train wreck," you replied. "Literally."

"You gotta stay for a cup of coffee, at least. You're in no shape to cut people open. Plus, I don't wanna miss the ending of all this." He gestures to you.

"Y/N?" Natasha called from the door. "You coming?"

"Maybe it's for the best," you sighed, moving toward the door. "Maybe I don't wanna know."

"That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard."

"Bye, Hap."

You headed to the medical center with your group. The emergency entrance was crowded, all the victims being brought to the medical center. What you all failed to notice was Steve rushing over to the bar. He entered, finding only Happy in there.

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