twenty three

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Steve ended up taking the day off when you were released from the hospital. He pushed you in a wheelchair from your room to the car and then carried you, despite your instance that you could walk, from the car up to your room at home.

"Steve," you said while he made sure your blankets were perfect as he tucked you in. "Steve." Still he ignored you, too focused. "Steve!"

"Huh?" He looked up at you. Those blue eyes poured out such worry and care, your heart could have melted. "Yes?"

"You can stop fussing. I'm just going to mess up the blankets once I fall asleep."

"I just want to make sure you're warm and comfortable."

"I am, Steve, much better now that I'm home. Thank you."

"Of course. Do you need anything?"

"Yes, an answer to a simple question."

"Which is?"

"How did you convince Tony to let you take me home?"

"Well... I kind of scheduled Tony back to back surgeries so that I would be able to take you home."

You laughed. "Wow. I bet he won't be too happy about that when he's out."

"I've already blocked his number and warned Pepper."

"Good." You smiled as you took his hand to play with it. "I can't have Tony murdered you with a scalpel just yet."


"Just watch your back the next time you hurt me."

The teasing expression on Steve's face immediately fell. "Next time? You think that there will be a next time I hurt you?"

"Steve, I'm sorry. I didn't mean that. You can't trust anything I say, I'm still taking very strong pain meds." You cupped his face, trying to get him to look you in the eye. "Please, just look at me."

"I really didn't want to hurt you," he muttered. "I... I made mistakes."

"I know. I did too. Please, just, forget what I said. Hold me as I fall asleep. Please."

He sighed, and you knew he was shelving the topic for later. "Alright."

Steve carefully joined you in bed and brought you into him. Because of the meds you were on, it didn't take you long to fall asleep. Steve didn't join you in the land of dreams due to worrying about what you thought of him. That he was just going to hurt you again. Had he really done that much damage? He supposed he had.


You slept well into the afternoon. Steve had slipped out of bed so that he could make sure your house of cleaned and that there was food for you to eat when you woke. You woke up alone, which made you sad. Looking around, you couldn't see, or hear, any sign of Steve. Perhaps he left because he had promised to take it slow with you? Maybe he-

"You're up." Steve's voice made you jump. He came through the door with a tray of food. "Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you."

"You're fine," you said softly. "I thought.... I thought you had left."

"No, I was just making sure that the house was in good order. Well, and making you food."

Steve gestured to the tray as he sat down beside you on the bed. He carefully set the tray across your legs. There were two cups of water with various foods littered on the tray.

"I didn't know what you'd be in the mood for," Steve said, nervously scratching the back of his neck.

That made you suppress a smile. "Thank you, Steve. That's really sweet."

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