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You grabbed your things and rushed out of the bar. Steve quickly did the same.

"Y/N," Steve called.

"No. I don't want to talk about this," you replied, heading down the street. "Not now. Not with you."


"You didn't sign the divorce papers. Fine. I get it. End of discussion."


"What?!?" You finally spun around to face him.

"Oh... I usually just say 'Y/N' and then you yell at me. I haven't really thought past that point." You scowled and shook your head. "I actually didn't have anything planned." You hit him with your bag. "Hey!" He rubbed his arm. "What is with that?" You did it a few more times. "Hey stop it. Ow."

"Seriously?! Seriously?! You know what, just leave me alone."

Steve reached for you. "Y/N-"

"Stop it! I said leave me alone! I'll see you at work tomorrow."

You stormed off, heading to find your car so that you could go back home. You were pissed at Steve and, mostly, yourself. How could you let yourself believe that he would be so willing to sign those divorce papers to be with you?


All you interns had just finished rounds and Gamora had you all in the hallway for assignments. Before she could call them out, Peggy interrupted.

"Has anyone seen Dr. Rogers this morning?" She wondered.

"His name is on the OR board," Gamora answered. "He should be here somewhere."

"Thank you." Peggy swiftly walked off.

"Quill, Lang, you're in the pit today. Val, there's a cardiac patient waiting up for you on 2. Barton, they need help in peds. Romanoff, keep an eye on the Longs. And L/N, you're with Rogers. I don't want any problems. Go."

Everyone hurried away while you stayed put. "Rogers?" You whispered. "Uh, I guess, which one?"


"Uh, I don't think-"

"Hey, life is short. Times are hard. The road is long with many a winding turn," Gamora sassed. "He actually asked for you. Take it up with him." Gamora walked away.


"Shit? Oh no," Tony showed up beside you. "It's only morning. What's wrong already?"

"Steve didn't sign the divorce papers."

"Oh," Tony grimaced.

"And now he's asked for me to be on his service today."

"Well, maybe he will sign them. He just has to think about it."

"But I don't want him to think about it. I want it... I want..."

"You want to be the obvious choice. I get it."

"Yeah... how's trying to get Pepper going?"

"I think I almost have her. I've been in on all her surgeries that I can be. Fury and Hill are even making it work."

"Wow. I wish I had everyone on my side. But... I don't and it doesn't matter anymore. It has to be his choice, not mine, not me pleading or begging. It needs to be all him."

"Wise," Tony nodded. "I still think he'll choose you."

"We will see... we will see..."


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