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Heading back into the hospital, you went straight for Natasha's room. The other interns were already in there, surrounding her bed.

"Hey," you smiled, walking over to her. "How are you feeling?"

"I'm okay," she responded. "I'm okay."

You grabbed her hand and gave it a slight squeeze. She needed to know that you were there for her, but you weren't going to push her into talking about something she wasn't ready to talk about.


You slammed down a shot, needing to feel the alcohol rush down your throat.

"How was Nat when you left, Scott?" Val asked, bringing more drinks over.

"She said she was okay, again," he responded with a slight shrug.

"Nobody goes what she went through and is totally over it by now."

"Natasha can."

"She's fine," you added, taking another shot.

"Too fine," Val said. "She's cold."

"No, she's hardcore," Clint said. "She's got ice in her veins. She does what she has to do to get through it."

"She lost a baby. She lost a fallopian tube and she's acting like she doesn't even care. She's acting like she has no emotions or warmth, like she's missing a soul."

"She's gonna make a great surgeon."


"It's true. You show no weakness, you make it to the top."

"Some people just keep their feelings to themselves," you commented.

Your eyes were on the door, where Steve had just walked in. If he noticed you, he didn't make it noticeable. You watched as he walked over to the bar and sat beside Gamora. Steve ordered a drink from Happy before talking to Gamora. Too bad you were too far away to hear them.

"Y/N kissed me," Steve told Gamora. "Peggy kissed me... My wife and my girlfriend kissed me on the same day."

"Happy, do I look friend to you?" Gamora asked.

"Oh, you're a tiny little kitten of joy and love," Happy responded, only for Gamora to make a face. "What? He saved my life."

"His first mistake." She took a sip of her drink. "Captain McDreamy, go sit by someone who cares."

"Oh gee," Steve mocks hurt, but doesn't make a move to go. "Everything's gonna be fine. Peggy will leave. Y/N and I will start over. Everything's gonna be fine. Right?"

"You are so damn stupid."


"With Natasha out, I need everyone focused today," Gamora told her group of interns as you all headed off to rounds. "I have a feeling it's gonna be be one of those days and since we're short an intern, you do not want to get on my bad side."

"When are we not on her bad side?" You whispered to Clint.

"Speak for yourself," he replied with a scoff. "Scott and I are her favorites."

The group walked into their first patients room. The woman was sitting on the bed, enthralling a group of hospital workers with a tell.

"So we're in the middle of the Belizean jungle and this jaguarondi jumps out and bites one of the guides," the woman says. "They all look at me. They're yelling, "You're a doctor, help him!" This is one time a PhD does no good." The people laugh.

"Sorry," Gamora interrupted, "did I miss the memo about social hour?" Everyone quickly began leaving besides your group.

"Tales of missionary life," the woman explained.

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