twenty two

269 10 2

Falling asleep, you were sure that you were going to wake up happy- higher than a kite. But instead you jumped up and ran straight to the toilet, the remnants of yesterdays meals barreling up your throat.

"Hey, you okay in there?" Val asked, knocking on your bathroom door. "I could hear you from downstairs."

"I'm-" You wiped your face with your sleeve as you sat back against the wall. "-fine."

"You sure?"

"Yeah... I think I must of just eaten something bad yesterday."

"Okay, well, we're leaving for rounds in ten minutes. You don't want to be late."

After sitting on the bathroom floor for about 5 minutes, you heaved yourself up and changed into some scrubs as quickly as you could. You made yourself look presentable before meeting your roommates at the car.

Rounds went by in a blur. Your head was fuzzy and your stomach was hurting. You had also swallowed your own puke a few times. Your last room, Steve was the attending over the case. You were to out of it to notice, but he was struggling to concentrate with you looking sicker by the minute.

Once the presentation was done, Nat had to pull you out of the room behind your group. Steve wasn't too far behind you, concerned etched into his facial features.

"You aren't looking so good Y/N," Natasha whispered. "What's going on?"

"I don't-"

"Hey," Steve came up and interrupted you. "Are you okay?" His hand twitched as he tried not to cup your cheek. "Are you running a fever? What's hurting?"

"I'm fine," you swallowed, trying to compose yourself. "Seriously, I'll be fine."

Steve peaked an eyebrow up at you, unbelieving. "Well... I'm clipping a basilar tip aneurysm. Any interest?"

"Of course." You pressed out a tight smile.

Steve face grew hard as he saw Peggy walking towards your group of interns. You slowly turned your head to see her too.

"Dr. Gamora," Peggy called, "can I get..." The woman paused when she noticed the scene happening not too far down the hall. "Oh my gosh."

Steve followed her view, also noticing Bucky in a white doctor's coat shaking Fury's hand. "Oh. My. Gosh."

Your hand came up to cover your mouth. "I think I'm going to be sick," you muttered.

"Is that..." Scott trailed off.

"Holy shit," Natasha mumbled.

Failing to hold it in any longer, you threw yourself at the nearest garbage can, letting everything that was coming up out. Gamora was at your side, rubbing your back faster than you knew, with Steve not far behind.

"No, Mr. Sully, don't light that!" Clint shouted at a patient that he could see from where he was standing.

The patient was on oxygen and decided to lite a cigarette, which caused a small explosion. Nurses began running over to the patient's room.

"Somebody get a fire extinguisher!" Steve ordered, leaving your side to help the patient.

"Call a code red!" Gamora followed.

Natasha guided you into the nearest on call room as the others attended to the patient. She pushed you to sit on the edge of one of the beds before stuffing a small trash can into your lap. Steve slipped into the room just as Natasha sat down beside you. The back of his large hand came up to feel your face.

"You're burning up," he stated.

"I'm fine," you said.

"You don't look fine. You look beautiful but you don't look fine."

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