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You immediately began avoiding Steve after Gamora caught you two in the car. You need not need her, or anyone else, thinking that you were sleeping with him to get ahead. Having no desire to get ready for work, you laid in bed, staring at the ceiling, as your alarm buzzed.

Outside in the hall, Clint was nervously walked towards your door with two cups of coffee.

"Wouldn't it be easier to just ask her out?" Valkyrie suddenly asked, popping out of her room.

"Ah!" Clint jumped, slipping the coffees on him. "Val!"

"She's right, ya know?" Scott added, stepping out of his room. "Just ask her out. It's not like it will be awkward when she tells you no."

"I hate you both," Clint grumbled. He leaned into your door, able to hear to slam on the snooze button for the third time. "She's gonna be late."

"Maybe not."

"We should wait for her."

"Definitely not," Val shook her head. "I'm not her mother, and you are not her boyfriend."

"Not yet, anyway," Scott added.

"Stop, both of you, okay?" Clint said, frustrated. "I told you I'm not interested."

"Life is short, Clint," Val said, putting a hand on his shoulder. "Do you really want to die before you ever ask her out?"

"I do not want to ask her out."

"Do you really want to die a liar?" Scott said.

"I'm not... I'm not dying."


From the parking garage, you rushed towards the building. Late for work. As you wait for the elevator, you see Steve coming toward you.

"Crap," you mutter.

"Crap?" Steve repeated, having heard you.

"Hi. I'm late."

"Hi, late. You're avoiding me."

"You're right. But I can't do this right now. I'm late." You hurried towards the stairs, only for him to follow you.

"Okay, but are we going to talk about this?"

"No." You marched up the stairs.

"About us and Gamora and what she saw?"

"I don't need to talk about it. I experienced it. Naked."

"This is getting complicated."

"Complicated for me. Not necessarily for you. I'm the intern sleeping with the attending. Gamora isn't even speaking to me anymore!"

"Not that, that's a bad thing. If I was a better guy, I'd walk away."

"Yes, you would."

"Do you want me to be a better guy."

"Yes. Now," you reached the level of the locker rooms, "I'm late. Please leave me alone and get to my job." You opened the door. Steve caught it, keeping it open as you walked away.

"Take your time! Think about it!"

"Think about what?" Tony asked, walking over to Steve. He looked to where Steve was looking, watching her rush down the all. "Ooohhh... I get it now. Well, at least she's talking to you."

"The date go bad with Pepper?"

"It didn't go at all. I was pulled into a surgery and completely forgot about it."


"I think I've blown it."

"Me too, Stark. Me too."

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