twenty one

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"What does this mean?" You asked Steve as the two of you rushed to get dressed. "Where's my panties? And fix your tie." You were panicking. "It's going to be obvious-" Steve shut you up by kissing you. "What does this mean?"

"It means that I love you," he whispered against your lips. "I love you and I want to be here with you."

"But your wife."

"I'll leave her. I promise. Tonight."

You shook your head. "Don't promise me things that you can't go through with."

"I'm going to go through with it. For you."

"For me?" You pushed away. "What about you? Don't you want this too?"

"That's not what I meant."

"Then what did you mean?"

"Y/N-" He reached out for you but you stepped back.

"No. Do you really want this?"

"Yes. Of course I really want this."

"Then prove it. Leave your wife. I'm not talking to you or doing anything else with you until you do."


"I'm serious, Steve. I'm done playing your game. Make up your mind for real this time. You either want me or leave me alone."


Peggy was already sound asleep in bed when Steve returned home. He changed, leaving his clothes thrown about the trailer, before leaving again. He couldn't be near Peggy right now, not without telling her that he was leaving. He went back to the medical center, choosing to sleep in an on call room.

Sighing after realizing that she was waking up alone, Peggy went about getting ready for the day. When she noticed Steve's clothes everywhere, she decided that she'd hang them up. Peggy was fishing through the pockets, checking to see if Steve had left anything in them, when she pulled out lacy panties. And they were definitely not hers.

She ground her teeth as she held them away from herself. Peggy looked at them for a long few minutes before deciding what to do with them. She got up and threw them in the wash. She stepped in the shower to get ready for the day. Once she was done in there, Peggy threw the panties in the dryer. She changed, took the panties out, folded them nicely and stuffed them in her purse.

When Peggy arrived at the medical center, she hung up the panties on the lost-n-found bullet board behind the center nurses station.

Steve had been woken up after a few hours for an emergency surgery. Now, he was sitting on a set of stairs, with his head in his hands, thinking about the night before.

"Back already?" Fury questioned as he walked up.

"I didn't leave for long," Steve said. "I did a craniotomy on a ruptured saccular aneurism."

"I've been here most of the night too."

"Yeah... You seen Y/N?" Steve stood up, looking around. "Uh, Dr. L/N. Have you seen Dr. L/N? Or even my... have you seen Peggy?"

"Why? What's going on with you?"

"Could you get someone to cover my rounds for me so I can take care of some stuff?"

"Dr. Rogers!" Gamora called from down the hall. "I've got an incoming head trauma."

"Sorry, I've got-"

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