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Something at been bother you about Steve, as of late. When you two would spend the night together, it was always at your place. And you were starting to realize that he knew more about you than you did him. (Though he still didn't know about your parents.) You sat on your bed and watched as Steve got ready for the day. He was brushing his teeth when you finally spoke up.

"Let's sleep at your place tonight," you said.

"What?" Steve questioned. His brow furrowed as he faced you, tooth brush still in his mouth.

"I mean, why are we always sleeping at my house? Do you even have one?"

He spit into the sink. "One what?"

"A house. Or an apartment. With a closet and your stuff in it. Your personal stuff. Do you even have on of those."

"Mmm," he hummed with a nod, wiping his face. "You hungry?" He gathered his things as he headed towards the door.

"Steve, do you even-"

But he was gone, leaving you on the bed, sighing. After freshening up for the day, you went down to the kitchen. Steve was sitting at the table, a bowl of cereal in front of him, with your roommates scattered around the kitchen.

"You know, I like it here," Steve told you when he noticed you. "You sad so yourself, you like having your things around, sleeping in your own bed."

"You're like a health nut, aren't you?" Clint questioned Steve as he examined his cereal. "You eat muesli every morning."

"No," Steve argued, mouth full, "I don't."

"Yes, you do," Val said. "Well, at least for the last seven days."

"Oh, come on. I haven't been here for a whole week... have I?"

"Sadly, you have," Scott said.

"See?" You pointed to your roommates. "Even they think it's weird."


Eventually, your work day started and you were going through the motions of everything. Steve met up with you as you walked through the halls. And you couldn't help but continue what you were talking about this morning.

"It's just that I hardly know anything about you," you said.

"You know that I just moved here. You know that I like ferry boats."

"Yes, but where exactly did you move here from? And what about your friends? Or family? Do you have any?"

"I'm a surgeon. I don't have friends. And I don't have family anymore either."

"See, I didn't know that. And everybody has friends. What do you do on your days off? These are all important questions."

"Ah, important for who?"

"Me. We're having sex every night. I think I deserve details."

"You have more details than most," he smirked.

"See, this is going somewhere weird. I want facts, and until I get them, my pants are staying on."

"Or you could just roll with it. Be flexible. See what happens."

"I'm not flexible."

Steve laughed. "There is where I disagree." He winked, before getting paged. He looked down at it. "I've got to go. We'll find these things out." He slowly started walking away. "That's the fun part. You know? That's the gravy."

"That is what I'm talking about. I don't want to be your gravy."

"Gravy?" Tony questioned, walking up from behind. "What about gravy? And why are you two flirting in public?"

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