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Previously on Love and Medicine...

Steve grabbed your hand, staring at you as you both started for the door. When he turned to look at the door, he froze, stopping you two in place. His eyes went wide, which worried you. You looked to see what he was looking at. Walking towards you was this beautiful brown haired woman, with fiery red lipstick.

"Y/N, I am so sorry," Steve whispered. The woman walked all the way over to them. "Peggy. What are you doing here?"

"Well, you'd know if you'd bothered to return any one of my phone calls," the woman responded, surprising you with a British accent. She turned to you, overing you her hand. "Hi. I'm Margaret Rogers." You shook her hand.

"Rogers?" You repeated, confused.

"And you must be the woman who's been screwing my husband."

You were pretty sure that everyone in the lobby could hear your heart drop to the floor and shatter into millions of pieces of glass. Quickly, you yanked your had from Steve's.

"Y/N..." Steve tried to reach out to you but you shook your head and hurried out the door.

"Hey, Y/N," Tony greeted heading into the building. He quickly noticed you were freaking out. "What's wrong?"

"Did you... did you know?" You asked, quietly.

"Did I know what?"

"About that?"

You pointed behind you. Tony could see through the glass windows, Steve and Peggy talking.

"Oh, Y/N," Tony said. "I'm so sorry. I was hoping-"

"You knew. Oh my... I can't. I have to go." You rushed away.

"Y/N! I'm sorry!"

You ignored Tony, making a run for it. You needed to get somewhere, anywhere, else. As you ran, rain began to fall, making the whole scene a lot sadder.


Back inside the hospital, Steve and Peggy were talking.

"Peggy, what are you doing here?" Steve asked.

"Your hair's different," she said.

"A lot of things are different."

"It's longer. And the beginnings of a beard here. I like it." She goes to try and touch his face but he moved back.

"What are you doing here?"

"What are you doing here? You just pick up and leave everything? Your house, your practice, your friends? You had a life you up and left."


"And now you have a girlfriend. She seems... sweet."

"The ice you're on. Thin."

"She's young. That whole wide-eyed, ooh he's-a-brain-surgeon thing happening, but still sweet. Which was what you were going for, right? The anti-Peggy?"

"If you came out here to try and win me back, forget about it."

"I did. I flew all the way across the country to reminisce over wedding photos, get drunk, fall into bed, and make you realize you can't live without me. Relax. Steve, I'm here for work. I'm helping the TTTS case you guys admitted last week and from Fury's briefing, I should be-"

"Fury knew you were coming out here?"

"He asked me to come. Didn't he tell you?"

"No. He didn't."

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