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Weeks passed, and you were still no where near moving on from Steve. You had stopped sleeping with random guys from Happy's. Deciding that, that probably wasn't the best way to deal with everything.

Clint and Laura had become official and Clint moved in with her. Val met a new doctor named Carol and had started dating. Natasha had moved in with Bruce, fully. Tony and Pepper were still dating, she didn't want to be very official yet. Pepper was still wary of Tony. Peter and Gamora were being less and less private about their dating. Steve and Peggy were still trying. Though most people, besides them apparently, could tell it wasn't working out. Scott had met another new doctor, Hope. She was playing hard to get and he was awkwardly trying to win her over.

And then there was you. Clearly single. With your heart really only meant for one man. You were very cordial to Steve when you had to work on his service. But you tried your hardest not to. You were currently staring at Steve and Peggy as all the medical staff were gathered together in the lobby, waiting on Fury to make some announcement.

"Stop staring," Natasha poked your side.

"Sorry," you muttered. "I can't help it sometimes."

"Can I have everyone's attention, please?" Fury yelled out to calm the crowd. Everyone quickly listened. "On Saturday, our hospital will be hosting a fundraiser gala. It will be at the convection center across the street. Everyone who isn't working, will be required to attend. Dress your best because we need to get as must money out of these donors as possible."

"Well there goes my Saturday night plans," Natasha grumbled.

"Oh, cause you had such big plans," you retorted jokingly. "You and Bruce were-"

"Going to get take out and cuddle on the couch, obviously."


You rolled your eyes. You paused when you caught sight of Steve looking your way. The two of you briefly stayed staring at each other until fingers snapped in front of your face.

"Hello? Earth to Y/N," Tony said while snapping.

"Sorry, I was just-"

"Looking lovingly into the eyes of the man who didn't chose you. Don't lie."

"I wasn't going to-" Tony gave you a certain look. "Okay, alright. It's not my fault. I caught him staring first."

"That may be, but it doesn't mean you still should do it."

"Fine," you huffed. "You and Pepper going to the gala together?"

"Yes. I plan on making a big date of it."

"Lucky girl."

"Don't worry, you'll find a date."

"Yeah, or I'll just go by myself and spend the night hiding in the corner, drinking."

"Sounds about right."


Your day was long and tiresome. You felt like you weren't getting a break, even just to breathe. You found yourself standing at the nurses' station, trying to fill out our final patient chart for the day.

"Excuse me," a man said, walking up to you. You turned to see a short-haired brunette, clad in a leather jacket with the most striking blue eyes. "I'm looking for Dr. Rogers."

"Which one?" You responded. The man didn't respond, making you squirm under his gaze. You cleared your throat.

"Sorry. I got lost looking at our gorgeous you are."

"Wow. We don't even know each other. Are you nw here?"

"Visiting." He stepped closer. "Confounded by all the traffic and it's only my first day in town."

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