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You ended up bringing the guy home with you, having mediocre, unsatisfying sex that night. And the next. And the next. And the next.

It turns out though, a wide variety of sex was being had on that latest night. Bruce took Natasha over to his place for the first time, only to tell her that he had told the Chief about them. This led to amazingly hot, angry sex.

Peggy and Steve were in his trailer. They went from having shower sex to moving to the bed. Once they were finished, Peggy rolled away from Steve, lying beside him in their bed. Steve was looking a little unsatisfied while Peggy was breathless and smiling.

"That was amazing," she said.

"Yeah," Steve muttered.

In the morning, you were curled up on a chair in your room, dressed in your robe. The guy you had brought home was still asleep in your bed. Currently, you were on the phone with Natasha.

"That boy's still in my bed," you told her.

"Have you figured out his name yet?" Natasha asked.

"Um... I think it's Matt."

"Hmm. Guess where I am?"


"Banner's apartment."


"Yeah. He brought me here last night to tell me that he had told the Chief about our relationship. Gosh, he's such a girl."

"Where is Bruce now?"

"He went to the hospital. Left me here alone."

"You're going through his stuff aren't you?"

"Oh! There's no stuff to go through. It's a freak show. I mean you could do surgery in here. Oh no! He arranged his books using the Dewey decimal system. Y/N, I'm scared."

"Get out. Get out of there right now."

"Who you talking you?" Matt muttered from the bed.

"Uh, I gotta go," you told Natasha, hanging up on her. You told up, watching the man in your bed. "I, uh... I have to go take a shower and when I get back you won't be here. Okay? So um, goodbye... Matt." You nodded and hurried into your bathroom.


You met Natasha in the lobby of the medical center. You two had already done your rounds and had a chance for a little break.

"He always look so sad when I kick him out," you chuckled. "Seriously, why does he not understand that when I picked him up in a bar and took him home for sex, that there are no picket fences or kids in the future? Like, he tries to talk to me, get to know me, but all I want is sex. Which, by the way, isn't even very good sex!"

Natasha sighed and fished for something in her pocket. She pulled out a silver key, holding it up for you to see.

"Did Banner key you?" You asked with a smile.

"Got freaking keyed before coffee," Natasha grumbled.

"What is wrong with them?"

"They're like these 1950s debutantes, one dance and there's a shot gun to your head."


You froze at your name being called. You looked to see that Matt, the guy you had continually slept with, walking towards you. He was holding a jacket in front o this lower abdomen region, looking extremely discomfited.

"You work here?" Matt asked.

"What are you doing here, Matt?"

"I'm having a little problem."

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