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Getting up the next morning was hard. And the next week that followed. You insisted on driving alone to work every day, not wanting anyone near you. When you arrived in the intern locker room that day, they were all staring and talking about you. They had no shame in saying it, even with you in the next row of lockers.

"She didn't even know he was married," a woman said. "I mean, his wife just shows up and he dumps her. I heard she flipped out."

"What does she expect?" A man voice added. "She got what she deserved. Dating an attending!"

"Dating Captain McDreamy. Have you seen his hair? No guy is that perfect."

"I think it's kinda sad. She has to work here. With him. With them. And everyone knows."

You slammed your locker shut and stormed past them, making sure they realized it was you. They grimaced and circled closer together. You could feel their eyes on you as you exited the locker room, trying not to cry.


Steve and Peggy were sitting on opposites sides of a small couch. There was a coffee table between the couch and a chair. A man with a notepad sat on the chair.

"Steve, what do you need to make this marriage work?" The man asked.

"I need her to move to New York," Steve responded.

"That's just-" Peggy tried but was interrupted up the therapist.

"Peggy, what do you need?"

"I need Steve to stop talking to Y/N."

"I work with her!" Steve argued. "I kinda need to talk to her."

"You want me to pick up my entire practice and move here? That's fine! Then I want you to give up your girlfriend."

"I did give up my girlfriend! You wanted me to take you back, I did. But here in New York."

"See once again it's all about what he wants!"

"Okay, she's not listening to me. I'm not moving back. I'm not the same person you married. I-"

"I know you're a flannel wearing, wood chopping fisherman. I get it!"

"Oh that's just great. I'm not gonna talk to her anymore if she's going to behave like this."


The therapist checked his watch. "Well, I felt that was productive," he told the fighting couple. "Good progress. We'll try again Thursday."


Clint, Val, Natasha, and Scott were standing at the nurses station, watching you come down the hall. Everyone was staring at you as you headed towards them.

"We have to do something," Clint said. "Y/N's become a museum exhibit. Or like a zoo animal."

"Please don't say that to her face," Scott told him.

"This could just as easily be you, Nat. If everyone know about you and-"

"You take that back," Nat said.

"No." Clint shook his head. "I'm just saying we should do something to cheer her up."

"Don't worry about it," Val said.

"It's under control," Nat added.

"Wait, what do you guys have going on?" Scott wondered.

"Nothing," Val and Nat quickly said.


Gamora and you arrived at the nurses station together.

"Where's Quill?" Gamora asked.

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